



RerollManager helps you to keep an overview of your alts. It logs your ids, profession and weekly quests, dailies battleground, dailies instances and shows you a recap.


  • Raid IDs
  • Profession quests (jewelcrafting, fishing, cooking)
  • Random daily battleground
  • Random daily instance
  • Weekly raid quest

In fact, it simplifies the management of every important thing you've got to do every day on each alt.


  • Shows tasks based on level and profession skills
  • Auto reset of alt's IDs without logging on them.
  • Configurable handling of each raid/quest/random
  • Won't show low level alts without tasks on it
  • Databroker compatible
  • Auto flush lvl < 65 alts

Colors meaning

Green : Already done
Yellow : Going to do (quest taken but not completed)
Red : Needs to be done
Not shown : Can't do that at this level or disabled in options


Login on every character you want to toggle in RerollManager
Left click on Minimap Icon switches between your alts and the character you're actualy playing, while right click leads you to the options panel.

Known bugs


Comments and ideas are welcome, forgive me for approximative english ;)
Don't forget to help me in localization

Special thanks to Murano and the whole <Hokoutokan>

Apericub - EU Throk'Feroth