Записи Note

rfslf opened this issue · 8 comments


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Vaelastrasz. Equip Fire Resistance of full +Healing gear. When the MT is afflicted by Burning Adrenaline be ready to transition to the next tank while keeping the old one up. Use Prayer of Healing on groups.


Broodlord. Pre-shield and HoT and follow up with high healing spells after Mortal Strike.


Razorgore. Don't get aggro on adds. Use shields and downranked heals . Avoid Fireball Volley by hiding behind pillars.


Flamegor. Shadow Flame deals Shadow damage and cannot be mitigated or resisted! Pre-shield and HoT the tank right before a Shadow Flame. Heal tank through the Thrash. Care for hunters (they wont have time for themselves). Equip Onyxia Scale Cloak!!!


Chromaggus. Getting out of LoS for breathes. Heal tanks thrue Frenzy. Dispells must be prioritized. Black-curse, Blue-magic, Green-poison, Red - curse. NEVER LET SOMEONE GET ALL 5 BROOD AFFLICTIONS! Take off Onyxia Scale Cloak.


Nefarian. Priests must stop healing on their call and wait for it to end. Priests can still heal with Renew and PW:S. Use Stratholme Holy Water on phase 3. Equip Onyxia Scale Cloak!!!


Firemaw. Stay, if possible, where you can heal and be out of LoS of Firemaw. Shadow Flame deals Shadow damage and cannot be mitigated or resisted! Pre-shield and HoT the tank right before a Shadow Flame. Equip Onyxia Scale Cloak!!!


Ebonroc. Shadow Flame deals Shadow damage and cannot be mitigated or resisted! Pre-shield and HoT the tank right before a Shadow Flame. DPS should not take any damage. Heal tank through the Thrash. Equip Onyxia Scale Cloak!!!