Roth UI

Roth UI


Minimap is transparent and then its content vanishes

theriverman opened this issue ยท 1 comments



Thanks a lot for maintaining this wonderful UI!
I've just installed your fork (have used the original version many years ago) and I've found a couple of bugs/nuances.

The minimap has two problems:

  • It's so transparent i'm having problems to see it at all.
  • The contents (static graphics?) vanish after moving a little with my character.

So upon loading the GUI everything seems to be normal. After 2-3 seconds the minimap becomes very transparent but the contents are OK otherwise. If I don't move my character, the content remains in place.
Whenever I move (I suppose I trigger some sort of a redraw call?) the graphical content vanishes (see attachment).

/reload does not help - it starts over


I don't have any other addon affecting the minimap and I've tried disableing all AddOns except RothUI but no luck.


For people coming here after me seeking a solution: I have installed SexyMap which comes with a pre-installed Diablo theme, and I've disabled the embedded rMinimap in Roth UI by flipping the rMinimap boolean in .\Interface\AddOns\Roth_UI\config.lua:

  cfg.embeds = {
	rChat = true, -- Simple chat frame
	rActionBarStyler = true, -- Simple actionbar styler for Roth UI 
	rButtonTemplate = true, -- Simple button skinning mod
	rMinimap = false, -- Simplistic square minimap
	rNamePlates = true, -- Diablo style Nameplates
	rInfoStrings = true, -- Information text displayed under Minimap
	rRaidManager = true, -- Replacement for blizzard's pull-out raid manager
	rTooltip = true, -- Diablo styled tooltips
	tullaRange = true, -- Creates Red/Blue overlay over icons that are not useable due to range or lack of resources
	Roth_ShinyBuffs = true, -- ShinyBuffs buff frame, edited for use with Roth UI
	rObjectiveTracker = true, -- Simple drag and resizeable Objective Tracker frame
	RothFont = true, -- makes game client use a font (as defined in config file) for all game text

Additionally, if you switch to SexyMap, you may want to adjust you BuffsBar position too which can be done through the ShinyBuff settings in the Interface/AddOns tab: