RP Tags

RP Tags


Issue in totalRP3 module.lua

raptormama opened this issue ยท 0 comments


279x in this session. Doesn't seem to stop the addon from working so far.

[string "@RP_Tags_totalRP3/module.lua"]:58: in function <RP_Tags_totalRP3/module.lua:51>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "@RP_Tags/RPQ.lua"]:124: in function `runQueue'
[string "@RP_Tags/RPQ.lua"]:135: in function `Fire'
[string "@RP_Tags/RPQ.lua"]:255: in function `process'
[string "@RP_Tags/RPQ.lua"]:260: in function `FireAll'
[string "@RP_Tags/RP_Tags.lua"]:111: in function `callback'
[string "@RP_Tags/RP_Tags.lua"]:105: in function <RP_Tags/RP_Tags.lua:102>

self = <table> {
 _rpq_event = <table> {
 _rpq_fired = true
 CanFire = <function> defined @RP_Tags/RPQ.lua:184
 _rpq_callback = <function> defined @RP_Tags_totalRP3/module.lua:51
 Fire = <function> defined @RP_Tags/RPQ.lua:186
 _rpq_addOn = <table> {
 GetName = <function> defined @RP_Tags/RPQ.lua:180
event = "ADDON_LOAD"
refreshAll = <function> defined @RP_Tags/Shared/modules.lua:92
refreshFrame = <function> defined @RP_Tags/Shared/modules.lua:92
getUnitID = <function> defined @totalRP3/Core/Utils.lua:202
unitIDToInfo = <function> defined @totalRP3/Core/Utils.lua:185
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index field 'Events' (a nil value)"
RPTAGS = <table> {
 utils = <table> {
 options = <table> {
 cache = <table> {
 EventsFrame = Frame {
 queue = <table> {
 locale = <table> {
 addOnName = "RP_Tags"
 oUF = <table> {
 CONST = <table> {
 metadata = <table> {
TRP3_API = <table> {
 ProfilesChatLinkModule = <table> {
 ApplyPrototypeToObject = <function> defined @totalRP3/Core/Prototype.lua:84
 SetLocationBroadcastEnabled = <function> defined @totalRP3/Modules/Register/Characters/PlayerMapScan/PlayerMapScanner.lua:244
 ApplyColorPrototype = <function> defined @totalRP3/Core/Color.lua:168
 CreateColorFromHSLA = <function> defined @totalRP3/Core/Color.lua:184
 MiscColors = <table> {
 GameEvents = <table> {
 target = <table> {
 ChatLinks = <table> {
 FormatShortcut = <function> defined @totalRP3/Locales/Locale.lua:76
 map = <table> {
 CreateColorFromHexMarkup = <function> defined @totalRP3/Core/Color.lua:219
 r = <table> {
 ParseColorFromString = <function> defined @totalRP3/Core/Color.lua:362
 RegisterCompanionChatLinksModule = <table> {
 FormatShortcutWithInstruction = <function> defined @totalRP3/Locales/Locale.lua:99
 popup = <table> {
 CreateCallbackRegistry = <function> defined @totalRP3/Core/Objects/CallbackRegistry.lua:111
 CreateColorFromName = <function> defined @totalRP3/Core/Color.lua:199
 ShortcutType = <table> {
 GenerateCallbackClosure = <function> defined @totalRP3/Core/Objects/Callback.lua:105
 module = <table> {
 GetClassBaseColor = <function> defined @totalRP3/Core/Color.lua:244
 GetMiscInfoTypeByName = <function> defined @totalRP3/Core/ProfileUtil.lua:132
 register = <table> {
 FactionColors = <table> {
 chat = <table> {
 Logf = <function> defined @totalRP3/Core/Logging.lua:70
 GenerateBlendedColor = <function> defined @totalRP3/Core/Color.lua:254
 formats = <table> {
 AddCallbackEventTableValidator = <function> defined @totalRP3/Core/Objects/CallbackRegistry.lua:84
 IsLocationBroadcastEnabled = <function> defined @totalRP3/Modules/Register/Characters/PlayerMapScan/PlayerMapScanner.lua:240
 RegisterPlayerChatLinksModule = <table> {
 AtFirstGlanceChatLinksModule = <table> {
 CreateCallbackGroupCollection = <function> defined @totalRP3/Core/Objects/CallbackGroupCollection.lua:88
 toolbar = <table> {
 CreateColor = <function> defined @totalRP3/Core/Color.lua:172
 ChatLinksManager = <table> {
 ChatLinkActionButton = <table> {
 ChatLinkTooltipLines = <table> {
 GetMiscInfoTypeFromData = <function> defined @totalRP3/Core/ProfileUtil.lua:158
 loc = <table> {
 ChatLink = <table> {
 SoftError = <function> defined @totalRP3/Core/Logging.lua:84
 configuration = <table> {
 utils = <table> {
 GetChatTypeColor = <function> defined @totalRP3/Core/Color.lua:239