


Totem Order

Reudig opened this issue ยท 0 comments



First of all: Thanks for bringing this great addon to classic wow. I'm currently playing the stress test and it works great!

However (and I hope I'm right to post this as an issue. I wanted to write you a comment but couldn't find a way on Github to do that ... sry)

So here's what this is all about:
When binding keys to you addon I wanted to shortcut the 4 totems to Q, E, Y (german keyboard, Z on QWERTY layout) and X, because it kind of symbolizes the way the totems arrange around the shaman.

Now I noticed that in the interface options of your addon the layout goes Earth & Fire in the upper row, Water and Air in the lower row ...
The Totembar itself is (from left to right) Earth, Fire, Water, Air ...

However when the shaman places his totems, Earth always goes front right, fire goes front left. Water goes right behind him and Air taking the last place left behind him.

And I know that this might sounds stupid but it bugs the hell out of me ^^

Also would it be possible to rearrange the order of the totems in the bar itself?
I would like the totems to be in this order: Fire Air, Water, Earth, correctly symbolizing the position the totem takes around the shaman.

I know this is alot to ask, but I needed to try my luck. It would be awesome and beneficial to all users of your addon if every shaman could order the totems in a way he likes, maybe even arranging them in a square. Maybe the easiest (correct me, I'm no programmer) way to achieve this is to detach the 4 individual totems from the bar so that you can set them up however you like. Also change the direction in which the menu opens.

Lastly, I hope that you can work with my suggestion. Wish you all the best and thanks again!