


MapIDs (and other minor issues)

Eiltherune opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Nice job keeping this addon alive! I noticed that you are still using the old mapIDs for the special quests (lines 286-314). They should be changed to:

 local _specialQuests = {
  -- Isle of Thunder
  [32610] = { zid=504, lid=94221 }, -- Shan'ze Ritual Stone looted
  [32611] = { zid=504, lid1=95350 },-- Incantation of X looted
  [32626] = { zid=504, lid=94222 }, -- Key to the Palace of Lei Shen looted
  [32609] = { zid=504, aid=8104, aline="Left5"  }, -- Trove of the Thunder King (outdoor chest)
  -- Timeless Isle
  [32962] = { zid=554, aid=8743, daily=true },  -- Zarhym
  [32961] = { zid=554, daily=true },  -- Scary Ghosts and Nice Sprites
  [32956] = { zid=554, aid=8727, acid=2, aline="Right7" }, -- Blackguard's Jetsam
  [32957] = { zid=554, aid=8727, acid=1, aline="Left7" },  -- Sunken Treasure
  [32970] = { zid=554, aid=8727, acid=3, aline="Left8" },  -- Gleaming Treasure Satchel
  [32968] = { zid=554, aid=8726, acid=2, aline="Right7" }, -- Rope-Bound Treasure Chest
  [32969] = { zid=554, aid=8726, acid=1, aline="Left7" },  -- Gleaming Treasure Chest
  [32971] = { zid=554, aid=8726, acid=3, aline="Left8" },  -- Mist-Covered Treasure Chest
  -- Garrison
  [37638] = { zone=GARRISON_LOCATION_TOOLTIP, aid=9162 }, -- Bronze Defender
  [37639] = { zone=GARRISON_LOCATION_TOOLTIP, aid=9164 }, -- Silver Defender
  [37640] = { zone=GARRISON_LOCATION_TOOLTIP, aid=9165 }, -- Golden Defender
  [38482] = { zone=GARRISON_LOCATION_TOOLTIP, aid=9826 }, -- Platinum Defender
  -- Tanaan Jungle
  [39287] = { zid=534, daily=true }, -- Deathtalon
  [39288] = { zid=534, daily=true }, -- Terrorfist
  [39289] = { zid=534, daily=true }, -- Doomroller
  [39290] = { zid=534, daily=true }, -- Vengeance
  -- Order Hall
  [42481] = { zid=717, daily=true }, -- Warlock: Ritual of Doom
  [44707] = { zid=719, daily=true, sid=228651 }, -- Demon Hunter: Twisting Nether

Also, line 352 should read = C_Map.GetMapInfo(qinfo.zid).name

to account for the new API.

Your SI_GetUnitDebuff function looks nifty, but I'm confused by the use of select(11 and select(7. From what I can see, your function only keeps the values from UnitAura in positions 1 and 10 (name and spellID). The select(11 should be select(10, and you'd need to adjust the function to keep a value in position 6 (the time the aura expires), changing the select(7 to a select(6.

Lastly, why isn't the GetCurrentMapAreaID function updated with the new C_Map API?

Let me know if you'd like me to jump back into editing the code here.


Mostly because I only did a quick pass on fixing obvious things, PRs are very welcome!