


SavedInstances window not showing.

MegaFreak101 opened this issue · 2 comments


Yo. I'm using ElvUI, all of my addon icons are next to the minimap and show only when mousing over any. When I mouse over the SI one all of the others get 'hidden' as if SI is showing the blank window. Left clicking on it shows this tiny window only with the clickable X to close it, top right corner closeish to the minimap. I've updated the addon, reinstalled it, tried deleting addon variables/settings. Addon's loading out properly, I can still access the settings and right click the icon but it just doesn't do what I need it to do ;p


Any ideas on how to get the errors to show up so?


You can turn on displaying errors with:
/console script errors 1

To turn off:
/console script errors 0


I've enabled the display of lua errors but nothing happened when I tried mousing over the icon/running the command to toggle the display and 'triggering' an error and I could access the settings normally. Reinstalled again and now it works. I've noticed my Twitch app saying addon was updated when I tried reinstalling through the app even tho the current version was 8.0.2 and my game version was 8.0.1. Anywho, deleted it through the app with my in-game settings, downloaded from WoWace and now it works \o/