


Bonus roll counter not being updated

raysmith59 opened this issue ยท 8 comments


It seems that it goes back to 0 if it had a bonus showing previously and never changes off 0. I can hover over the 0 in the info panel to see when I last received bonus roll loot for each toon as necessary so that works as a kludgy workaround but it would be better for the bonus roll number to show correctly.


it is a pity timer actually


I took a look at the code (for what that's worth) and what seems to be happening is that artifact power (Legion) has a conversion to gold when the results are stored but that doesn't exist for azerite power so azerite power results (ie. bonus roll losses in BfA) are being counted as wins, not losses.

Based on this, I made a simple change of line 3956 in SavedInstances.lua to:

if not roll.item then

On the assumption that bonus roll failures are tracked for all bosses/tokens everywhere with the same counter (which I don't think is the case, I put a ticket in to Blizzard to hopefully confirm), that's now giving the +x number I'm expecting to see based on the losses. There may be a better way to handle this but please consider re-opening this, it's definitely not working correctly for this expansion as of the most recent public version.

I'll follow up once I hear back from Blizz.


Not sure what this means. It appears that the +x that shows up in the Roll Bonus row only works for expansions up to the last one, in the current expansion it isn't showing +3 when I've missed my last 3 bonus rolls, it shows 0. That it's showing 0 instead of +3 indicates an issue, no?


I'm sorry for the misunderstanding previously, thinking you're meaning the tracker resets.

Being fixed to 0 is definitely an issue.


I don't think Blizzard will be confirming any details of their implementation, but it would make the most sense if their Bad Luck Protection worked on a per-currency basis. If you bonus roll with BFA coins I doubt it would increase the BLP for older expansions (or vice versa), as that'd open the door for all sorts of exploitation.

So I guess the easiest way is to only track success/failure for the current expansion, and ignore legacy content... Otherwise, each bonus roll currency would've to be tracked separately if the indicator is to be meaningful.

Assumptions are still assumptions, but that way at least the users could interpret the statistics however they prefer. If all bonus rolls everywhere were to increase the BLP counter it might end up being woefully misleading.


Yeah, I got a response back saying that there is no bonus roll protection, I sent a link to patch notes for 5.3 that specifically indicates the addition and am now waiting for another response. What I think is happening based on a lot of toons killing world bosses weekly over the years is that in the beginning any loot off any boss in MoP would cause it to reset but once a new expansion came along they either tracked it to currency (as SacredDuckwhale indicated may be happening), to expansion or ONLY to the current expansion which is my guess/hope. I think I figured out a hacky way to only track current expansion bosses but didn't want to actually make that change without confirmation from Blizz. I think what I'll probably end up doing is just not using bonus rolls in previous expansions to ensure the +x indicator is correct for the current expansion, that isn't a big sacrifice to make for me at least.


After a couple of more back-and-forths I'm not getting anywhere, according to the CS rep him/herself they haven't been provided with any details about how the bad luck protection works for bonus rolls and suggested contacting the dev team via Twitter to ask if protection only applies to the current expansion (which I think is the case). I have no interest in joining Twitter for that so I'm at the end of that pursuit.

Since Blizz won't provide the info, might be best to add a toggle to the config options whether to track for all expansions or just the current one, let each user make their own decision based on how they think it works. I'd be setting it to current expansion only, assuming it's even possible to determine what expansion a boss is from.


You can probably track what currency has been used.