


Siege of Orgrimmar - LFR Last Part "Downfall"

Snipy2k4 opened this issue · 9 comments


In the "Siege of Orgrimmar" in the last LFR part, the bosses are not displayed when they have been defeated.

In the Lua file, the area around "Siege of Orgrimmar" is described as follows:

[716] = { total=4, base=1, parent=766, minLvl=91, altid=839, remap={ 1, 2, 3, 4 } }, -- SoO1: Vale of Eternal Sorrows [717] = { total=4, base=5, parent=766, minLvl=91, altid=840, remap={ 1, 2, 3, 4 } }, -- SoO2: Gates of Retribution [724] = { total=3, base=9, parent=766, minLvl=91, altid=841, remap={ 1, 2, 3 } }, -- SoO3: The Underhold [725] = { total=3, base=12, parent=766, minLvl=91, altid=842, remap={ 1, 2, 3 } }, -- SoO4: Downfall

can it be that the ID has changed? Where do I check this?


Just got time and found it work perfectly



I reinstalled the addon and played the last part of SoO. No progress or kill is displayed in the 4 part. I then killed the 1 boss from the 3 part and it was displayed normally.

Here is a picture.

in part 4 the first 3 bosses from the 1 part are shown to me. It's a bug.


Could you try to run the following macro that will try to dump your LFR SoO lockout directly from API, and reply what it print here?

/run for i,l in ipairs({839,840,841,842})do for j=1,(i<3 and 3 or 4)do print(GetLFGDungeonEncounterInfo(l,j))end end

[09:16:23] Immerseus 896623 false false
[09:16:23] Die gefallenen Beschützer 897027 false false
[09:16:23] Norushen 897064 false false
[09:16:23] Galakras 896665 false false
[09:16:23] Eiserner Koloss 896624 false false
[09:16:23] Dunkelschamanen der Kor'kron 897028 false false
[09:16:23] Malkorok 897029 true false
[09:16:23] Die Schätze Pandarias 897406 false false
[09:16:23] Thok der Blutrünstige 896625 false false
[09:16:23] nil nil nil nil
[09:16:23] Belagerungsingenieur Rußschmied 897633 true false
[09:16:23] Die Getreuen der Klaxxi 897697 true false
[09:16:23] Garrosh Höllschrei 896622 true false
[09:16:23] nil nil nil nil


Could you wipe your SavedInstances.lua in WTF folder with your game closed, and check again? If it's still there, could you upload that lua file?


the same...


Well, found it. The last wing (Downfall) of LFR SoO has different names in queues provided to lvl 90 and 91+ in deDE. In the case is Niedergang(725, for lvl 90) and Untergang(842, for lvl 91+). Need some workaround. Thanks for reporting and helping.


nobody has an idea?


I want to try it myself but life stops me. I checked but found id not changed.

What's the level of you character? Could you use debug mode and clean the wing again?