


Anniversary world bosses show as weekly lockouts, but are daily

Nulgar opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Describe the bug

The Anniversary world bosses are treated like weekly lockouts, e.g. logging onto character A on the next day, you still see character B having an ID for the bosses it killed the day before. Logging onto B makes the addon catch up, but that's of course not ideal.

I tried altering my files to implement these bosses in the Quests.lua, but that only added them to the "Daily Quests" counter, with little overview which character did what boss.

Which version of SavedInstances are you using?

Was it working in a previous version? If yes, which was the last good one?
No, updated to 8.2.4 from a previous version to see it this would fix it.


This is just what I mentioned above, they're now tracked as daily quests, but that's really difficult to track across multiple characters, as you don't see individual dailies without mousing over it.

Well, let's wait for further response to #310, that might solve the issue, too (and the Anniversary Event is long)