


Track Vision of N'Zoth daily quest apart from normal daily tracking

bryanzak opened this issue ยท 4 comments


This quest is important enough that I don't want to forget to do it on any of my alts and since I don't run all the dailies on all my alts, it's easy to lose track of which alt still needs to do the daily vision.


Currently these quests are tracked in daily quests.


they are not tracked in daily quests. in fact, i can't see any daily quests in this display, which shows all data.

in addition, they are a very important daily quest which will put your character way behind the curve if they manage to miss a few.


Weird, I have they tracked in Daily Quest on my end, since they're daily quest marked by blizzard. I'll working on it.


๐Ÿ‘ would love to have these tracked as their own line item, or at least with a common name such as
"lesser vision", rather than having to remember the specific quest name.