Lua Error in Version 8.3.4 (Typo? "Tex" instead of "Text"?)
Tykwer opened this issue ยท 4 comments
Describe the bug
A Lua error occurs when logging in for the first time. The error is not subsequently generated on a /reload, but if you completely exit the game and come back in, the error will be generated.
Do you have an error log of what happened?
Date: 2020-07-02 22:07:39
ID: -1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\AddOns\SavedInstances\config.lua line 878:
attempt to concatenate local 'tex' (a nil value)
[string "@SavedInstances\config.lua"]:878: BuildOptions()
[string "@SavedInstances\config.lua"]:918: SetupOptions()
[string "@SavedInstances\config.lua"]:53:
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@ace3\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua"]:70:
[string "@ace3\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua"]:498: InitializeAddon()
[string "@ace3\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua"]:613:
SavedInstances, v8.3.4
BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v8.3.0.80300
To Reproduce
- Log into WoW after a complete logout.
- The error will be reproduced.
Did you try having SavedInstances as the only enabled addon and everything else (especially something like ElvUI) disabled?
Which version of SavedInstances are you using?
8.3.4. I want to note that the problem is not present in 8.3.3. If I roll back, it disappears.
Was it working in a previous version? If yes, which was the last good one?
Guess I got ahead of myself. The problem was not present in 8.3.3.
Additional context
Didn't reproduce on my 8.3.4, and 8.3.4 doesn't change any code related to this. If you have any further info, please reply to this:)
Thank you for your reply! I've updated back to 8.3.4 because the error doesn't seem to cause any problems - I just dismiss it. But it still occurring for me on every fresh login (if I just switch toons this does not happen.)
I appreciate your time, thanks again.
Thank you for your reply! I've updated back to 8.3.4 because the error doesn't seem to cause any problems - I just dismiss it. But it still occurring for me on every fresh login (if I just switch toons this does not happen.)
I appreciate your time, thanks again.
Did you find any currency missing in SI's option on your fresh login?