


Conquest currency vs max

Aiathon opened this issue ยท 6 comments


So currently conquest shows how much currency we have, and a line that says how much we have out of the max we could have total. It would be nice to be able to see how much we've earned towards that total instead of how much we currently have on that line.

For example, this week, max was 1100 conquest, and I have earned 1100 on my rogue, so went and bought a dagger for 900, giving me 200 leftover. His simple display says 200, great, but on mousing over it says 200/1100, implying he could earn another 900 for this week, not so great IMO.


Hi, I don't have time on PvP currently. Could you run /dump C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfo(1602) on your character and post the prints?


So my rogue above gives:

[02:29:54] Dump: value=C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfo(1602)
[02:29:54] [1]={
[02:29:54] canEarnPerWeek=false,
[02:29:54] useTotalEarnedForMaxQty=true,
[02:29:54] maxQuantity=1100,
[02:29:54] quantityEarnedThisWeek=0,
[02:29:54] isHeaderExpanded=false,
[02:29:54] isTradeable=false,
[02:29:54] maxWeeklyQuantity=0,
[02:29:54] iconFileID=1523630,
[02:29:54] totalEarned=1100,
[02:29:54] isHeader=false,
[02:29:54] name="Conquest",
[02:29:54] isTypeUnused=false,
[02:29:54] isShowInBackpack=false,
[02:29:54] discovered=true,
[02:29:54] quantity=200,
[02:29:54] quality=4
[02:29:54] }

And I don't know if this helps at all, but my Priest, who has not spent any conquest yet, and has earned 880 so far gives the following:

[02:32:08] [1]={
[02:32:08] canEarnPerWeek=false,
[02:32:08] useTotalEarnedForMaxQty=true,
[02:32:08] maxQuantity=1100,
[02:32:08] quantityEarnedThisWeek=0,
[02:32:08] isHeaderExpanded=false,
[02:32:08] isTradeable=false,
[02:32:08] maxWeeklyQuantity=0,
[02:32:08] iconFileID=1523630,
[02:32:08] totalEarned=880,
[02:32:08] isHeader=false,
[02:32:08] name="Conquest",
[02:32:08] isTypeUnused=false,
[02:32:08] isShowInBackpack=false,
[02:32:08] discovered=true,
[02:32:08] quantity=880,
[02:32:08] quality=4
[02:32:08] }


This is very helpful. Thank you.


I think WoW now provides season total info on Conquest currency tooltip so SI can scan and grap it, which is featured long time ago. I was going to implement this based on totalEarned, but the season total provided by BLZ is way better as it won't be more problem when season 2 goes live.

So I guess this issue is resolved (by BLZ actually)?


yeah, the mouseover gives all the info I want it to, love this addon, saves me so much time and hassle remembering which chars have done what, thanks so much for your time on this!


umm, bit of a weird note... but after maintenance today, without updating anything that I know of, the mouseover now includes a line that says "Season Total Earned: 1100" below the line that said "Total Maximum: 200/1650" so maybe WoW fixed something?