


Trial of Elements

subj99 opened this issue ยท 12 comments


SavedInstances was showing when I completed "Trial of Elements" fine on all my characters. However now it's not showing it at all.

This changed after I downloaded your latest version yesterday.


Is it gone after weekly reset on your region? Or could you try to complete it once more?


I actually noticed it was gone before weekly reset, it was gone on Monday after I installed the new update. It was displaying on my characters before the update. Now I am not seeing it at all.


Is it enabled in settings? Could you check out your weekly quest list and find out if its in there?


I didn't change anything on my side, I just updated the addon yesterday and noticed it no longer showed Trial of Elements but I thought maybe that had happened before and I never noticed. However today I did it Trial of Elements on a few characters after weekly reset and I noticed it didn't show up.


It's definitely enabled in settings, that's the first thing I checked. Not sure what you mean by "weekly quest list"?

I have quite a few toons by the way, I definitely depend on this addon it's great!


Try to run /dump C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(71995) and reply what it prints.

Also could you share your SavedInstances data file in your WTF folder? The path to it is WTF/Account/(YOUR ACCOUNT ID)/SavedVariables/SavedInstances.lua.


I ran the /dump on the toon that had done it and it showed "true" and I ran it on a toon that hadn't done Trial of Elements and it showed "false". I've attached the file you requested.
SavedInstances - Copy.lua.txt


I can see two characters are marked completed on Trial of Elements using your data file. For make sure, what version of SI you're using?


Yes I have 2 characters that have completed Trial of Elements when I gave you that file, I have 3 now I believe. None of them show Trial of Elements on the minimap icon list where they used to before I downloaded the update on Monday. The addon file I used was


I'm not sure why this has marked can't reproduce as it would seem like an easy problem. I've attached a snapshot of the toon and you can see that Trial of Elements is no longer being showed. I tried rolling back to the older version of Savedinstances and still can't see it, so no idea what has changed? This is a toon that had completed Trial of Elements. My apologies if I haven't explained this well, let me know if you need any further info.



Trial of the Flood is also not showing anymore.


Actually I can see that it doesn't show in the list anymore (as I've showed in my snapshot) but it's showing on its own line now (maybe it always was and I never noticed). That's obviously good enough (likely better), thanks and sorry about the confusion!