


I have too many alts, can mouseover be scrollable? I can barely see

hoothh opened this issue ยท 3 comments

commented also i have two more alts on a second account but it doesn't sync with my main account, is it possible to fix that?


As far as alts go, you can disable which alts you track - This will reduce alot of that spam down to a few characters.


that doesnt help me because i farm mounts on all 25+ of my alts.. i need to keep track of them. i wish there was an option that can make all the saves scrollable instead of fit to window where u can barely see..


Is there an in-built limit to how many characters the addon displays in the tooltip? Because I need 18+ characters tracked and the addon doesn't show all of them.
Oh. If I press Alt, then it shows me all the characters. Too bad the data is nearly impossible to read.
I guess add my vote to the feature request for a better display of many saved characters