


Lua error

zeenk opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Don't know what I did to trigger it but happened randomly sometimes, using latest version, retail.

7x SavedInstances/Modules/Emissary.lua:116: attempt to index local 'store' (a nil value)
[string "@SavedInstances/Modules/Emissary.lua"]:116: in function `?'
[string "@AdvancedInterfaceOptions/libs/CallbackHandler-1.0-8/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua"]:109: in function <...ons/libs/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:109>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@AdvancedInterfaceOptions/libs/CallbackHandler-1.0-8/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua"]:19: in function <...ons/libs/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:15>
[string "@AdvancedInterfaceOptions/libs/CallbackHandler-1.0-8/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua"]:54: in function `Fire'
[string "@CanIMogIt/Libs/AceEvent-3.0-4/AceEvent-3.0.lua"]:120: in function <CanIMogIt/Libs/AceEvent-3.0/AceEvent-3.0.lua:119>

self = <table> {
 baseName = "SavedInstances"
 moduleName = "Emissary"
 modules = <table> {
 defaultModuleLibraries = <table> {
 enabledState = true
 defaultModuleState = true
 name = "SavedInstances_Emissary"
 orderedModules = <table> {
t = <table> {
 Arena3v3rating = 0
 isResting = false
 Emissary = <table> {
 Race = "Undead"
 LClass = "Warlock"
 RBGrating = 0
 SoloShuffleRating = <table> {
 lastbosstime = 1701912275
 lastbossyell = "Lil Ki"
 Covenant = 3
 TimewornMythicKey = <table> {
 Money = 38684746107
 Faction = "Horde"
 ILe = 471.062500
 Quests = <table> {
 Paragon = <table> {
 oRace = "Scourge"
 LastSeen = 1723262451
 SpecializationIDs = <table> {
 Class = "WARLOCK"
 Progress = <table> {
 ILPvp = 471.062500
 Zone = "Isle of Thunder"
 currency = <table> {
 DailyResetTime = 1723348799
 Warmode = false
 WeeklyResetTime = 1723607999
 Level = 70
 Warfront = <table> {
 MythicKey = <table> {
 PlayedTotal = 3702139
 Arena2v2rating = 0
 lastbossyelltime = 1718845830
 MaxXP = 225105
 MythicKeyBest = <table> {
 MythicPlusScore = 0
 lastboss = "Aurostor"
 BonusRoll = <table> {
 PlayedLevel = 198087
 Order = 50
 IL = 471.062500
 Skills = <table> {
 Calling = <table> {
 Show = "always"
(for state) = <table> {
 6 = <table> {
 7 = <table> {
(for control) = 6
expansionLevel = 6
data = <table> {
 questID = 43341
 uiMapID = 627
currExpansion = <table> {
 1 = <table> {
 2 = <table> {
 3 = <table> {
 4 = <table> {
bounties = <table> {
 1 = <table> {
 2 = <table> {
 3 = <table> {
(for state) = <table> {
 1 = <table> {
 2 = <table> {
 3 = <table> {
(for control) = 3
_ = 3
info = <table> {
 numObjectives = 1
 questID = 42420
 icon = 1394952
 factionID = 1900
title = "Court of Farondis"
timeleft = 4320
_ = "0/4 Complete 4 world quests in Azsuna"
_ = "object"
isFinish = false
questDone = 0
questNeed = 4
money = 0
numQuestRewards = 1
currencyRewards = <table> {
day = 4
store = nil
(*temporary) = 1723521664
(*temporary) = 1723262464
(*temporary) = 1723262464
(*temporary) = 1
(*temporary) = 3
(*temporary) = true
(*temporary) = 157823
(*temporary) = 45
(*temporary) = <table> {
 itemName = "Highmountain Tribute"
 itemLvl = 45
 quality = 3
(*temporary) = "attempt to index local 'store' (a nil value)"
SI = <table> {
 QuestExceptions = <table> {
 modules = <table> {
 histLiveCount = 0
 Emissaries = <table> {
 db = <table> {
 LFRInstances = <table> {
 localarr#wbsave = <table> {
 Indicators = <table> {
 thisToon = "Spicydots - Twisting Nether"
 questTurnin = "|A:QuestTurnin:14:14|a"
 playedpending = false
 ScanTooltip = SavedInstancesScanTooltip {
 WorldBosses = <table> {
 currencySorted = <table> {
 name = "SavedInstances"
 playedreg = <table> {
 locale = "enUS"
 currency = <table> {
 KeystoneAbbrev = <table> {
 oi_cache = <table> {
 hoverTooltip = <table> {
 baseName = "SavedInstances"
 questNormal = "|A:QuestNormal:14:14|a"
 TimewalkingItemQuest = <table> {
 defaultModuleState = true
 diff_strings = <table> {
 delayedReset = false
 PlayedTime = 1723262451
 enabledState = true
 playerLevel = 70
 instancesUpdated = true
 histOldest = "n/a"
 localarr#RefreshTemp = <table> {
 activeHolidays = <table> {
 delayUpdate = 1723261872.678225
 resetDetect = SavedInstancesResetDetectHiddenFrame {
 histInGroup = "PARTY"
 Options = <table> {
 Categories = <table> {
 realmName = "Twisting Nether"
 dataobject = <table> {
 histReapTime = 3600
 scaleCache = <table> {
 defaultModuleLibraries = <table> {
 specialCurrency = <table> {
 Libs = <table> {
 oc_cache = <table> {
 histLimit = 10
 version = "11.0.2"
 questCheckMark = "|A:UI-LFG-ReadyMark:14:14|a"
 orderedModules = <table> {
 defaultDB = <table> {
 maxLevel = 70
 playerName = "Spicydots"
 dbmhook = true
 transInstance = <table> {
Emissaries = <table> {
 6 = <table> {
 7 = <table> {
switching = <table> {
 50602 = <table> {
 50603 = <table> {
 50605 = <table> {
 50598 = <table> {
 50606 = <