


Issues management, project board as "timeline", and new labels

rdw-software opened this issue ยท 0 comments


I took the liberty to edit the labels here to allow for organizing the accumulated issues in a way that should allow us to work more efficiently towards fixing the numerous problems users have reported while the project was abandoned. Please take a look here and let me know if those work for you.

The plan is to synch the existing WowAce tickets and make sure they are represented here for contributors/maintainers to work on. This is what I'll be doing, although volunteers are always welcome to take some of the workload! Hopefully, there won't be too much chaos after the backlog has been chewed through.

Since most of us are probably very busy, focusing on what's most important (or time-sensitive, in some cases) will be much easier when there's a resemblance of order and priorities are more clear. I've shamelessly copied the "project timeline" idea from other (successful) repositories, which would allow us to see what needs doing whenever we have some time to work on the project. This is how it could look.

As always, feedback is encouraged.