


Roles on the GitHub organisation / unclear permissions

rdw-software opened this issue · 2 comments


As a follow-up to this comment by @Stanzilla:

Otherwise the only thing unclear to me is who all has admin roles on the GitHub org

There seems to be a bit of a mess with who can do what, in terms of permissions. Can we get this streamlined or at least written down somewhere?

The organisation only lists @jokeyrhyme under "People". I believe it was @eTzmNcbkrng who created it, though. Who "owns" the repository now? According to the GitHub help pages, they should be able to see, and edit, the permissions for collaborators etc.

Without any sort of order, there may be overlap and ensuing confusion if different people work with issues, merge PRs, or act on the WowAce project pages in various ways. So far, this is what I've observed:

@jokeyrhyme: Benevolent, and retired, dictator (heh) - should have all permissions to make sure there's a failsafe in place?
@Stanzilla: Merging PRs, review/feedback, "write" permissions to push code to the repository, and submit releases to the WowAce project?

Myself: While I can submit PRs and review/write code, I haven't the time to work on SavedInstances properly as I'm maintaining several addons already. I'd focus on managing issues (GitHub), tickets (WowAce), and smaller things here and there.

Clarification may be needed for:
... any other contributors ❤️

Ultimately, the permissions and roles should be set according to the things each volunteer is willing, and capable, of doing. Right now, for example, I have the permission to merge PRs (apparently), but I'd much rather leave this to @Stanzilla as he should have the last word there.


I'm listed under People because I've set my Organisation membership details to be "Public", I'm guessing others are still set to "Private" (it's something you can change yourself if you like)

I would like to see another person with "Owner" permissions, just as a fail-safe

Let me know if there's anything I can do to not be the only person with access to something :)


I was given permissions a few days ago - Although it's a nice gesture, I've merely contributed to discussions, minor fixes / rewording.

I can't see myself being able to provide anything beyond that and my knowledge on github is extremely limited. You can remove the permissions from my profile whenever you want.