


9.0.1 PTR Errors.

MetalHeadSeven opened this issue ยท 1 comments


1x SexyMap\Clock.lua:176: attempt to call method 'SetBackdrop' (a nil value)
[string "@SexyMap\Clock.lua"]:176: in function OnEnable' [string "@SexyMap\SexyMap-v8.3.0.lua"]:568: in function ?'
[string "@SexyMap\SexyMap-v8.3.0.lua"]:682: in function <SexyMap\SexyMap.lua:681>

self =

OnEnable = defined @SexyMap\Clock.lua:170
db =
UpdateLayout = defined @SexyMap\Clock.lua:187
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = TimeManagerClockButton {
0 =
(*temporary) =
bgFile = "Tooltips\UI-Tooltip-Background"
edgeFile = "Tooltips\UI-Tooltip-Border"
tile = true
edgeSize = 16
insets =
(*temporary) = "attempt to call method 'SetBackdrop' (a nil value)"
sm =
ping =
coordinates =
borderPresets =
buttons =
hudmap =
backdrop =
shapes =
core =
zonetext =
clock =
L =
movers =
borders =
options =
type = "group"
name = "Clock"
args =
L =
Calendar = "Calendar"
Always = "Always"
This will wipe out any current settings! = "This will wipe out any current settings!"
SharedMedia Border = "SharedMedia Border"
Save current settings as preset... = "Save current settings as preset..."
Enable a backdrop and border for the minimap. This will let you set square borders more easily. = "Enable a backdrop and border for the minimap. This will let you set square borders more easily."
Enable Coordinates = "Enable Coordinates"
Rounded - Right = "Rounded - Right"
Capture Bars = "Capture Bars"
Background/edge = "Background/edge"

  1. Background = "1. Background"
    Never = "Never"
    Lock Movers = "Lock Movers"
    Zoom In Button = "Zoom In Button"
    (Requires button visibility control in the Buttons menu) = "(Requires button visibility control in the Buttons menu)"
    Dungeon Difficulty Indicator (When Available) = "Dungeon Difficulty Indicator (When Available)"
    Tracking Button = "Tracking Button"
    Font Color = "Font Color"
    Really delete this border? = "Really delete this border?"
    Really delete this preset? This can't be undone. = "Really delete this preset? This can't be undone."
    Normal Opacity = "Normal Opacity"
    The HudMap supports several addons. If you have any of the addons below installed, they will be shown on the HudMap. = "The HudMap supports several addons. If you have any of the addons below installed, they will be shown on the HudMap."
    Tile Background = "Tile Background"
    Queue Status (PvP/LFG) Button (When Available) = "Queue Status (PvP/LFG) Button (When Available)"
    Movers Warning = "WARNING: This feature is not officially supported, expect problems when using this feature such as taints, loss of quest tracker functionality, or boss frames jumping around. Blizzard frames like the quest tracker and boss health aren't designed to be moved, I suggest you use addons that replace these frames e.g. Unit Frames for boss health."
    Border Texture = "Border Texture"
    Enter a name to create a new border. The name can be anything you like to help you identify that border. = "Enter a name to create a new border. The name can be anything you like to help you identify that border."
    Route 66 = "Route 66"
    Show who pinged = "Show who pinged"
    Show %s: = "Show %s:"
    Keybinding = "Keybinding"
    Let SexyMap control button visibility = "Let SexyMap control button visibility"
    Opacity = "Opacity"
    Standard Buttons = "Standard Buttons"
    Hide default border = "Hide default border"
    Lock Minimap = "Lock Minimap"
    Hover Opacity = "Hover Opacity"
    User-Submitted Presets = "User-Submitted Presets"
  2. Border = "2. Border"
    Disable Rotation = "Disable Rotation"
    Delete = "Delete"
    No global profile exists. Your current profile will be copied over and used as the global profile, are you sure? This will also reload your UI. = "No global profile exists. Your current profile will be copied over and used as the global profile, are you sure? This will also reload your UI."
    Clear & start over = "Clear & start over"
    Dynamic Buttons = "Dynamic Buttons"
    Faded Square = "Faded Square"
    Texture Tint = "Texture Tint"
    If you zoom into the map, this feature will automatically zoom out af

1x SexyMap\Borders.lua:1076: attempt to call method 'SetBackdrop' (a nil value)
[string "@SexyMap\Borders.lua"]:1076: in function UpdateBackdrop' [string "@SexyMap\Borders.lua"]:1060: in function ApplySettings'
[string "@SexyMap\Borders.lua"]:898: in function OnEnable' [string "@SexyMap\SexyMap-v8.3.0.lua"]:568: in function ?'
[string "@SexyMap\SexyMap-v8.3.0.lua"]:682: in function <SexyMap\SexyMap.lua:681>

self =

Clear = defined @SexyMap\Borders.lua:917
UpdateBorder = defined @SexyMap\Borders.lua:1063
CreateBorderFromParams = defined @SexyMap\Borders.lua:950
StartRotations = defined @SexyMap\Borders.lua:1009
ApplyPreset = defined @SexyMap\Borders.lua:924
ClearWidgets = defined @SexyMap\Borders.lua:988
RebuildPresets = defined @SexyMap\Borders.lua:907
SavePresetAs = defined @SexyMap\Borders.lua:940
presets =
NewBorder = defined @SexyMap\Borders.lua:934
ApplySettings = defined @SexyMap\Borders.lua:1046
UpdateBackdrop = defined @SexyMap\Borders.lua:1071
db =
OnDisable = defined @SexyMap\Borders.lua:903
OnEnable = defined @SexyMap\Borders.lua:851
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = SexyMapCustomBackdrop {
0 =
(*temporary) =
bgFile = "DialogFrame\UI-DialogBox-Background"
edgeFile = "Tooltips\UI-Tooltip-Border"
edgeSize = 20
tile = false
insets =
(*temporary) = "attempt to call method 'SetBackdrop' (a nil value)"
mod =
Clear = defined @SexyMap\Borders.lua:917
UpdateBorder = defined @SexyMap\Borders.lua:1063
CreateBorderFromParams = defined @SexyMap\Borders.lua:950
StartRotations = defined @SexyMap\Borders.lua:1009
ApplyPreset = defined @SexyMap\Borders.lua:924
ClearWidgets = defined @SexyMap\Borders.lua:988
RebuildPresets = defined @SexyMap\Borders.lua:907
SavePresetAs = defined @SexyMap\Borders.lua:940
presets =
NewBorder = defined @SexyMap\Borders.lua:934
ApplySettings = defined @SexyMap\Borders.lua:1046
UpdateBackdrop = defined @SexyMap\Borders.lua:1071
db =
OnDisable = defined @SexyMap\Borders.lua:903
OnEnable = defined @SexyMap\Borders.lua:851
customBackdrop = SexyMapCustomBackdrop {
0 =
