


Issue moving the Clock

Aragami666 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


I'm running 9.0.6 but the issue has been present since all Shadowlands updates began. I can't move the Clock off the mini map with the addon MoveAnything while Sexy Map is running. With Sexy Map disabled I can move the Clock freely wherever I like but when I enable Sexy Map it seems to lock the Clock to the mini maps location area. I can move it within this area yes but I can't for example have the mini map in the bottom left corner of the screen and move the clock to the top right corner of the screen.

I've tried enabling and disabling all variations of options but nothing frees the frame TimeManagerClockButton from the mini map while Sexy Map is on.


If the clock moving sliders do not move it far enough for your liking, you can type a higher number in the box.