


UI bugging, need help

Sab3rNL opened this issue ยท 3 comments



My ui is bugging for some time now. As you can see in the screenshot my questlog is bugging and the armor repair guy. I don't know how to fix this. I'm 100% sure it's SexyMap because when I turn it off the UI is normal again. I'm using Sexymap v9.0.8.

I'm using the english client.

sexymap bugging


Open the SexyMap options, go to the movers section and check you've not enabled them.


I'm having the same issue. While attempting to move the movers, they'll jump back to their prior positions, both before and after 'locking' them. Also, even after deleting all saved profiles, there appears to be an invisible 'global' profile that I can't access or change (possibly the source of these mysterious leaps, which appear to be based on my old monitor settings (from 2 years ago, no less).


The "movers" code has been rewritten to prevent glitches, crashes, and allow enabling them individually in the latest update. If this doesn't fix your problem, please open a new issue.