


[Suggestion] Minimap Transparency Option

ByucknahTheRed opened this issue ยท 2 comments


It would really be nice to have a way to set the transparency of the mini-map, especially with Square maps, to help with spacial awareness by being able to partially see through them. Everyone has their own setup when it comes to minimaps, their own preferences. For me, as I get older I find that having a larger square minimap is nice for my eyes so I don't need to strain as much. As such it would be great if it were possible to set an overall transparency so that with a larger sized mini-map you can set it to be partially see through.

Just my two cent's for a suggestion. Making this post since the last one was closed and the valid feedback was thrown out because the author of the post did not format it properly or something.


Bit late, but I'm looking for this option to prevent burn-in. Is there any way to set transparency for the minimap as a whole? Can I add a line in the .lua somewhere maybe? It doesn't work in combination with other minimap addons, unfortunately. Or has this feature been added and I completely missed it?


Thanks for the suggestion! This seems like a duplicate of #120