


WoW Classic SoM beta 1.14 error (using the TBC version)

Nillx opened this issue · 4 comments


Addon is mostly working fine while using the TBCC version but im getting this error. Minimap buttons are constantly showing and are stacked on top of eachother.

6x SexyMap\Buttons.lua:311: attempt to index local 'f' (a nil value)
[string "@SexyMap\Buttons.lua"]:311: in function `NewFrame'
[string "@SexyMap\Buttons.lua"]:543: in function <SexyMap\Buttons.lua:541>

self = <table> {
 NewFrame = <function> defined @SexyMap\Buttons.lua:310
 MakeMovable = <function> defined @SexyMap\Buttons.lua:472
 ChangeFrameVisibility = <function> defined @SexyMap\Buttons.lua:373
 db = <table> {
 AddButton = <function> defined @SexyMap\Buttons.lua:526
 StartFrameGrab = <function> defined @SexyMap\Buttons.lua:541
 UpdateDraggables = <function> defined @SexyMap\Buttons.lua:489
 AddButtonOptions = <function> defined @SexyMap\Buttons.lua:155
f = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index local 'f' (a nil value)"
blizzButtons = <table> {
 SexyMapZoneTextButton = "Zone Text"
 TimeManagerClockButton = "Clock"
 MinimapZoomIn = "Zoom In Button"
 MiniMapTracking = "Tracking Button"
 GameTimeFrame = "Calendar"
 MinimapZoomOut = "Zoom Out Button"
 MiniMapWorldMapButton = "Map Button"
dynamicButtons = <table> {
 MiniMapBattlefieldFrame = "Queue Status (PvP/LFG) Button (When Available)"
 MiniMapMailFrame = "New Mail Indicator (When Available)"
animFrames = <table> {
 1 = SexyMapZoneTextButton {
mod = <table> {
 NewFrame = <function> defined @SexyMap\Buttons.lua:310
 MakeMovable = <function> defined @SexyMap\Buttons.lua:472
 ChangeFrameVisibility = <function> defined @SexyMap\Buttons.lua:373
 db = <table> {
 AddButton = <function> defined @SexyMap\Buttons.lua:526
 StartFrameGrab = <function> defined @SexyMap\Buttons.lua:541
 UpdateDraggables = <function> defined @SexyMap\Buttons.lua:489
 AddButtonOptions = <function> defined @SexyMap\Buttons.lua:155
sm = <table> {
 ping = <table> {
 coordinates = <table> {
 borderPresets = <table> {
 buttons = <table> {
 hudmap = <table> {
 backdrop = <table> {
 shapes = <table> {
 core = <table> {
 zonetext = <table> {
 clock = <table> {
 L = <table> {
 movers = <table> {
 borders = <table> {
hideFrame = <unnamed> {
 0 = <userdata>
OnEnter = <function> defined @SexyMap\Buttons.lua:269
OnLeave = <function> defined @SexyMap\Buttons.lua:287

This error is caused by the MiniMapTracking table being nil on this line, since it doesn't exist in vanilla classic. Remove it and the addon should load properly.


Thanks, deleting that line fixed the error.


Hi there,
I had the same error, the solution helped wonderfully.

However, the "day-time symbol" is displayed in the top right corner of the screen and I cannot hide it via the menu.

Is there a solution for?


Classic version will be updated shortly.