


1.14 update for classic - square mode adds green color, clock doesnt work.

Nillx opened this issue · 11 comments


Noticed a few issues with the addon after the 1.14 update.

Selecting minimap shape to square makes it green, other shapes look fine.
Screenshot 2021-11-13 191244

Also the clock doesnt work. At one point it worked and then after a reload it stopped working.

And there are missing movers for my buffs and quests. Only the armored man one is working.


With the addon packager and addon websites now supporting addons with multiple toc files, I will be scrapping the separate releases for classic/bc which are a nightmare to maintain and merging them all into 1 single zip for all wow versions. I'll be doing this within the next few days and will revisit this and any other issues that come up.


I'd like to add: After you selected the rectangle frame and the map turned green - when you deactivate the addon from within the game and reload, the map keeps rectangular and green (but gets its original circle frame back).



SexyMap 1.14.1 on Season of Mastery, light green rectangle outside map.


(Speaking as a non-expert in WoW addons & textures, so please correct anything I get wrong)

I encountered the same thing, with my UI looking like @Arby69 's, with the entire minimap tinged green.

I found that in settings under Interface -> Addons -> SexyMap -> Borders, if I chose any Minimap shape that was square'ish, I got this green background/effect. I found that other shapes worked, specifically ones that seemed to use a shape bundled with SexyMap and not one referenced in the code under Interface\\*.

What fixed things for me was to:

  1. Manually produce a white8x8.tga texture file and drop it into Sexymap's addon folder as shapes\white8x8.tga.
  2. Edit Shapes.lua starting around line 233, taking this block of code:
	[C_RaidLocks and 130871 or "Interface\\BUTTONS\\WHITE8X8"] = { -- "Interface\\BUTTONS\\WHITE8X8"
		name = L["Square"],
		geometry = "square",
		shape = "SQUARE"

... and changing it into:

	["Interface\\AddOns\\SexyMap\\shapes\\white8x8.tga"] = {
		name = L["Square"],
		geometry = "square"

It now references the new white8x8.tga texture file I created, instead of the one under Interface\\*.

This obviously isn't a fix for everyone, and it won't survive an addon update (which will at a minimum blow away my code changes). However I noticed that when I first installed SexyMap on the same night Classic Era went live, SexyMap worked properly. It did NOT work the next afternoon, and looking back, I believe I received a Wow game update that morning. I suppose it's possible the update removed some "unused" internal textures, I don't know, but perhaps the addon maintainer might want to consider removing any dependencies there may be on internally provided textures, and instead shipping a set with SexyMap beyond what's already included with the addon.

Anyway that's what I observed, and how I fixed it. YMMV....


TBC versions seems to mostly work fine (all features except buttons work).


still green for square kinda sad I was thinking about using this again


This is my understanding of the issue and a fix.

The developer used C_RaidLocks to determine if they would reference textures by their texture id or file path.
In 1.14, C_RaidLocks is present on classic. This means rather than correctly passing the file paths we are sending texture IDs. Instead we probably want to set a flag that determines the era of the client.

In case I don't open the PR fast enough, this can be fixed by going into Shapes.lua and BorderPresets.lua and removing all instances of C_RaidLocks and <textureID> or. Keep in mind this change assumes you will only use this addon on Classic.

If they want to check for which build of the game they are looking at, I'd suggest using GetBuildInfo()


can we please get a fix for this? 1.14.1 version is still broken


this problem was reported back in november? is there like a forked version that actually solves this or a pull request?


Im using Chinchilla Minimap 1.13 version right now


Combined classic support is now available in the latest release!