


Buffs/Debuffs and Objectives Tracker movers are redundant and break the new UI

Zautix opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Describe the problem

If you were using SexyMap prior to the prepatch and used these movers, the default WoW UI will anchor to them with the new Layout system, and corrupt the location of shared moves (buffs/debuffs and objectives tracker) with entries from SexyMap. If you disable them within SexyMap after they have been tainted, you will get anchor errors and be unable to see or move components of the new UI using the edit system.

Disabling SexyMap after the anchors are in place results in this error:

ObjectiveTrackerFrame:SetPoint(): Couldn't find region named 'SexyMapObjectivesMover'

And you will be completely unable to see your Objectives tracker. You will also be unable to move Buff/Debuffs, but they appear to be restored to the default location correctly.

What steps will reproduce the problem?

  1. Have an existing SexyMap configuration with Movers for Objectives Tracker and Buffs/Debuffs.
  2. Disable SexyMap

How to fix the issue manually, for now

After disabling the movers for Objectives Tracker and Buff/Debuffs, you need to change to a different layout and back. This will fix the Buff/Debuff layout issue.

To restore the Objectives tracker, you need to export the layout you're using to a string, then look for "# 12" (it will be at the very end, and contain the anchor for SexyMapObjectivesMover) and replace it, and everything after it, with "# 12 -1 1 2 2 UIParent -110.0 -275.0 -1 #K"


I cannot reproduce the issue with your steps.

I assume you actually need to save a layout in Edit Mode first?
Or did you import a custom layout in Blizzard's new "Edit Mode" given to you by someone else?

Simply moving the objectives tracker in SexyMap and disabling the addon does NOT cause this error for me.


Both Buffs and Objective Tracker were removed in the latest update.

As for the error, I'm probably going to leave it to Blizz to fix that. Without the ability to reproduce it, not much else I can do.


No response from original poster, so closing this.
Find guidance on this issue here: #284