


World map

sliceandice opened this issue ยท 10 comments


Cant find a way to open up the world map when using this addon. I am using version 10.0.2


press M


press M

I never press M for the map, I always click and have been for 15 years. Would really love to keep using sexymap but won't if this feature doesn't come back


I used bartender to create a one button bar and placed it next to the mini map.
Then added a macro to the button to toggle the world map on/off using

/run WorldMapFrame:SetShown(not WorldMapFrame:IsShown())


Thanks for the workaround, Naz64. It works... but with a few issues.

  1. Doesn't work until you manually press M. After that, it works every time. If you don't press M, it only does the 'Open Map' character emote animation.
  2. Any chance you could add in "Press ESC to close"?

The world map button was removed by Blizz in Dragonflight.
I assume this is what you were all using to open the map?


The world map button was removed by Blizz in Dragonflight. I assume this is what you were all using to open the map?

Yes it was but you can still open the map by clicking the name of the area that shows above the minimap. This works with Blizzard's minimap but not on sexymap


Too bad I also used to use the button always found it convenient I am sorry it is no longer integrated


for me at the moment is not performing the sexy bar lo deselected and better the one in the game


New update released. Clicking the zone text will now toggle the world map in the same way it does for the default UI.


For anyone reading this and wanting a solution, I moved the zone text to be behind the Bartender4 button recommended by Naz64, but made the text, background, and border color transparant, and made the bartender4 button "Click-Through".
The result is a button attached to the minimap that opens the map on click (every time), and can be closed with ESC.
A convoluted workaround, but for the 1% of players like me who want the Map button back (and don't have the Zone Text bar visible anyway)... it works.
So happy ending.