


Objective Tracker gone / erroring

funkydude opened this issue ยท 10 comments


If you're having an issue on retail/dragonflight where the objectives tracker is gone, or you're getting an error like this:
ObjectiveTrackerFrame:SetPoint(): Couldn't find region named 'SexyMapObjectivesMover'

Then do the following:
Exit wow.
Navigate to this folder:
World of Warcraft\_retail_\WTF\Account\**accountname**\**servername**\**charactername**
Obviously replace the above with your account name, server, and character you're getting the error on.
Once you're in this folder, delete the 2 files beginning with edit-mode-cache-character

After that, click the cogwheel next to the "play" button in battle net and perform a scan and repair.

Try logging onto the affected character again and see if the error persists.


Done - did NOT worked!


I'm so sorry, I thought that since this method helped me and my friend, it was worth at least trying. We couldn't use the quest tracking for three days, this error appeared even without the addon itself, and finally everything works thanks to this method.

I'm already afraid to say anything. I'm afraid to lead you in the wrong direction.

I can only assume that perhaps the problems for those who delete everything completely, but the errors remain, are somehow connected with the new method of remembering Edit Mode settings. There are several threads on the EU and US forums about remembering and storing interface information somewhere "outside" the computer.
If you take their word for it, then some people cannot change and save the interface position depending on the size of the monitor of two different machines, in fact, different and independent machines remember the Edit Mode settings tied to the character / account. That is, it remembers the last change. Of course, if these reports are to be believed.
Although there are people whose "save" button does not work at all. Mine apparently worked too frighteningly well.

Therefore, I would probably try to dance with a tambourine in the settings of a particular character, as described.
Maybe even separately with each individual nickname on the account, and not just delete the entire folder. Maybe this is the reason why this method helped me.

Maybe, if it is there, in the sexymap in-game settings, copy the desired profile to an alternative character, delete the original profile inside sexymap. And do what is described above. I do not even know...

Therefore, maybe this thought will somehow help to move at least half a step forward with this and similar problems.

Sorry, I'm afraid to confuse you. It's all just an idea of a person who does not know how to program.


Thx, it was like following:

I had sexymaps (sm), which was smaller, because the original UI was too big. And I had 1 plate/badge, where is the zone written.

Then I tried many things including deactivating sm. But then the arrows were there, but it was too big and I found nothing to decrease the size.

Back to sm, suddenly I had 2 plates; the sm-plate AND the plate from the original.

Last: I wasnt able to fix it, both. I would have used the original, but the size ... and in sm, which is smaller, there is no arrow; regarding to the original the arrow seems to be outside the sightfield.

May be this initiates an idea ...


i did run the repair option that's built-in the launcher before i first contacted you. i been play wow since TBC i know all the built-in help blizzard made for us to self fix are own wow client to play the game quicker. back in the day all problems that came up back then. blizz had to fix everything, even with addons. until they changed all that now its all self testing and fixing. but don't worry its fix now, good old blizz fix the problem. so you can relax now thanks for nothing in help terminal ill person whos in final stage kidney. so now time become very pressures-ion to me since i don't know how long i got left to live. wow all i got left being stuck in bed 24/7 now so great job there funkydude.


@fellscreen The post above tells you to delete a special new file, did you follow those instructions for the characters you get the error on?


i wiped every single folder that got even only little to do with world of warcraft including even the hidden backup files in course client folder too.


@fellscreen You weren't asked to "delete everything" you were asked to delete 2 specific files. Alternatively, you can drag them onto this issue to upload them so I can take a look.

@LouZipher I don't know why you're posting here. Your issue with arrows has nothing to do with this.


I didnt know that; I thought this is this. If there was at least 1 german site for this, I would have tried there 1st.


I don't recommend following this at all. Not only was I stuck in a constant loop of attempting to scan and repair for hours, then I had to delete the entire game and reinstall it.


thank you, someone else thinks like me, i had same problems. i had too do full wipe of game. not just wow folder any other apps that's got something to do with wow., curseforge folders too as they store backup files of your addon settings. any or apps you use for your addons + weakauras + +wago + complete world of warcraft folder. then i did full scan of PC make sure no folders left. then reset my PC BEFORE i started re-installing of everything that's how i fix my problem.