


Dungeon Queue eye missing

WikiWeaponn opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Can no longer see dungeon finder eye nor see config options related to the button. I am able to see it if using a separate addon to control button visibility/moving. I have tried reinstalling the addon after deleting both the addon and WTF config.

What version of the addon are you using? (Stating 'latest' is not useful) 10.0.5

Do you have an error log of what happened? No errors thrown.

Any additional information? (example: WoW language if not English) Can Use HidingBar addon as a workaround but functionality is not what I would like compared to SexyMap alone.


Issue persists with SexyMap as the only enabled addon.


Not a SexyMap issue, disable ElvUI.

Duplicate of #285


I see it now, looks like the eye got moved to bottom right off of the minimap as default behavior?


Yup, exactly. There's already other addons (e.g. Bartender) that have control for moving it now, so having SexyMap "fight" for that control would be a mess. ElvUI took a strange decision but I have already posted multiple suggestions including how to fix their current method in the other thread that anyone is free to forward to them.