


7.1 FPS drops

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No real errors that I see, but likely linked to the new restrictions place on mods to determine player position.

This happens with SexyMap being the only add-on running.

Edit: Didn't mean to close. This happens specifically in instanced content.

  1. Stand outside VH - 60 FPS
  2. Enter VH with only SexyMap running
  3. FPS drops to 49-50 and stays there the entirety of run/time spent.
  4. Disable SM or leaving instance restores FPS.

SexyMap doesn't use UnitPosition.


Was just a random guess :/

However, the issue seems to persist. Instanced content has a noticable FPS drop (and stays consistent until exiting) with SM being the only addon installed. Is there any options I could toggle that might perhaps help narrow it down? (there's no LUA errors I see, but the FPS drop is verifiable using the FPS counter)


There were Lua errors, another user reported them to me.