


Issue with Change in response to Issue #19 & a question

GnuclearGnome opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Hello. First let me say I absolutely LOVE SexyMap! It looks great!
Version 8.0.3 added a line of code to change/force SexyMap to LOW strata due to some kind of interference reported by a user in Issue #19. However, this change has now caused an issue with my use of SexyMap. I have the Coordinates enabled in the SexyMap options and have moved them down such that they are in the blank area of the Quests title bar. This was fine before, but now that the SexyMap strata has been set to low, the coordinates are now behind the Quests title bar and are rather hard to read. If I were to use Notepad++ and delete line #485 entirely, would that cause any issues with the addon? For the future, I would recommend that you consider making the SexyMap strata a selectable choice in the Options.

The only other question I have right now is there doesn't seem to be anywhere enabled to allow comments or questions to be posted. Not on Curse or CurseForge not even here on GitHub. Are we supposed to create an Issue to whenever we want to make a comment or ask a question?


To anyone coming here with a similar issue,changing line 485 in SexyMap.lua by adding two dashes in front to comment out the line, appears to fix the issue:

	-- Minimap:SetFrameStrata("LOW")

I say "appears" because I don't know lua coding and I don't know what else commenting out this line might do to SexyMaps.


It's difficult to visualize your issue since you have not provided a screenshot. However since the default Blizz minimap strata is set to "LOW" and since no one else has complained in a year, I do not consider this a problem.