


[Feature Request] Hide while Vehicle UI active

Starlynk1 opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Describe the problem

When the Vehicle UI is active, the minimap has no option to hide it. Would like to see an option to hide while in vehicle.

What steps will reproduce the problem?

  1. Not a problem, just a request

Consider attaching a screenshot below to help describe your issue (Attach directly, do not link to other websites)


What version of the addon are you using? (Stating 'latest' is not useful)

Do you have an error log of what happened?


Any additional information? (example: WoW language if not English)

Reason for this request is due to the placement of my Minimap at the bottom middle of the screen. When the Vehicle UI comes up, the Minimap is behind it and just looks bad. Not a game breaker, but OCD is killing me when it happens.


I moved the minimap back to the top right corner, so its a moot point now. But for a better understanding, if you move it to the bottom middle of the screen, there is no option to have it hide when the native vehicle UI loads. The vehicle UI will load over the minimap and cover it halfway. Was requesting an option like Bartender has for visibility where you can choose to hide the element based on whether or not the vehicle UI is showing.


This is starting to sound exactly like another issue previously reported by the person who thumbs up'd your initial post.
My original response hasn't changed #22 (comment)

Essentially, if you're using bartender for your action bars, you should also be using it for your vehicle bar.
I have no issues adding a feature like this if there was a genuine reason to do so, but choosing to install Bartender and then not using 100% of it is not a good enough reason for me. Just my point of view.

Thanks for taking the time to describe this in detail though, but since this is no longer a problem for you, I'll go ahead and close this.


I use the Bartender addon for Vehicle UI, so not sure where the premise that I wasn't came up. I'm ok with it not being added as an option now since I moved it back to the default position. But if it could be added, that would be cool. Thanks for the work done on the addon.


As you didn't post screenshots, I can't say for 100% certain you're experiencing the same issue. But click the link to the other issue where the original poster did add screenshots, and you'll see that the vehicle bar is untouched by Bartender.

Without screenshots, I can't really imagine what the issue is you're describing. All I can say is that if you're using Bartender, the space your actions bars take and your vehicle bar takes should essentially overlap each other and not block anything.


I just read the original post from 2018 and the issue is the same in regards to overlap from the vehicle UI. In that older issue, I understand what you said about the UI elements from default native hotbars shouldn't allow the map to be overlapped. But with the changes to the UI layout with edit mode, this is now possible even without using Bartender.

I will try and get some screenshots to show what I mean by the overlap to show the issue.


Please drag some screenshots into this post of your UI outside a vehicle and inside a vehicle so I can better understand your issue.