


Zone text frame not hiding?

Jooki85 opened this issue ยท 8 comments


Don't know what happened since yesterday but now i'm seeing the zone text frame sitting there where the map is by default.

Here a couple of images to make it easy to understand:



You're either:

  • Not using SexyMap.
  • Installed another minimap addon which is conflicting with SexyMap.
  • Getting an error which you'll need to install BugGrabber and BugSack to view.

I'm having the exact same problem.


thank you for your repply, it gave me an idea and found the issue, triggered it by loading every addon alone while having only sexymap running, it triggered when sexymap and titanpanel where active at once.

titan panel updated two days ago, fits the timeframe indeed.


Thanks. Same for me.


Please follow the instructions in the 3rd step and tell me the error you receive. Thank you.


Not getting an error with BugGrabber and BugSack.


neither am i :c


It seems the issue has been reported to the Titan panel devs here:

The issue is that their latest version removed the following check:

Since this was the only change the author made, I can only assume that person was trying to solve some kind of problem, and instead of debugging the issue, just took a complete guess, saw that their issue was "fixed" and decided to stick with it, not actually understanding why that check was there in the first place.

I have no idea if the author will change it back or not. Probably not because that change was literally the only thing that changed in the entire release.

I could make a change in SexyMap to "destroy" the ability for Titan Panel to show it. But honestly, I'd recommend you guys completely ditch Titan Panel and get a proper "broker display" addon like ChocolateBar or Bazooka.

I know change is annoying but Titan Panel is really badly coded. There is code in there that hasn't changed since WoW vanilla, such as plastering functions all over the global scope.