


As of 8.2 accessing textures outside of the …/Interface directory no longer support paths, and now requires a file data ID

Gnomercey opened this issue · 20 comments


"As of 8.2 accessing textures outside of the …/Interface directory no longer support paths, and now requires a file data ID"
Pretty certain this is what's causing some of the custom maps I made to no longer work. Borders that use paths (ex. SPELLS/Wings3.blp) just display green squares now. Borders that use file ID are still working.

Source, blue post: (right at the bottom of the post)

Quick question, any chance we can get TexBrowser working again?
Or is there a working alternative now?


Update: I managed to fix my old maps by replacing the paths with their File Data ID values, which i found by using this tool:


If you didn't update SexyMap prior to patch 8.2 and log in so that it could upgrade your database, then yes, you're going to need to manually fix your texture paths. That website is indeed useful to do so.

This only applies if you're using WoW textures. Using your own textures still works fine.


I updated the addon just before 8.2, this didn't update the texture paths (the ones i added myself,
not default ones from addon) to FDID's. Just thought I'd clarify.


You needed to actually log into the game within the last 5 days prior to the patch with an updated SexyMap.


Hmm right. Yea, not sure what happened then. All the paths for the default maps were updated (not sure if this happened then or with an earlier update), it was just this map I made myself that still had paths.


Speaking of paths, what do you think is the best way to browse textures now?

commented has the ability to preview textures so that's probably the best way.
Do you know how to open your SexyMap savedvariables file?
World of Warcraft\_retail_\WTF\Account\<ACCOUNTNAME>\SavedVariables\SexyMap.lua

Edit: Actually just attach the file by dragging it into the box instead of copy/pasting the text.


Sure, will do in like 8 hours. Gonna get some sleep now.


That doesn't seem right.

  1. That settings file doesn't contain any custom styles you've made
  2. The style being used is still using the old style "\" texture paths
  3. It's missing any data that would have been added had you logged in prior to 8.2

I can only conclude that this is a really old file, and not your current settings file.


Wouldn't let me send it uncompressed, sry for the inconvenience.


@fabledtongues What are you expecting me to patch?

As I already stated above:

If you didn't update SexyMap in the week prior to patch 8.2 and log in so that it could upgrade your database, then yes, you're going to need to manually fix your texture paths.


I just asked if the background issue would be fixed in the future. I’ll fix it on my own if that’s the case but you didn’t need to be rude.


Ohh, i think i found the issue. Posted an old savedvariables file from a different account. This should be the correct one:


Sry for the slow response btw. Just been so busy with 8.2 that it kinda slipped my mind 😓


Will this be patched, or is this something the users will have to do on their own?


@Gnomercey Thanks for helping. I can verify that this isn't an issue with the upgrade code. Unfortunately the backup of your database happened after patch 8.2. I know you said you updated and logged in during the final days prior to 8.2, but unfortunately that's not what the settings file says.

Your only solution is manual texture changes, I'm sorry.


@fabledtongues Try be less sensitive, I was not rude whatsoever. You didn't "just ask if the background issue". Infact, this is the first I've seen you mention the words "background issue".

Now I have to ask what exactly do you mean by background issue, since this issue is about using specific WoW textures after patch 8.2, not backgrounds.


That's fine. I managed to manually fix the maps which i made myself. The rest were updated to FDID with update.


Do you know if there are any alternatives to TexBrowser for browsing textures ingame nowdays?