ShestakUI (Classic)

ShestakUI (Classic)


A few settings cause errors in Classic

eTzmNcbkrng opened this issue ยท 4 comments


There are a few settings that have been removed from the in-game config GUI but are still present in the Settings.lua file, enabling them in the file causes lua errors.

The settings are:

["plugins_diminishing"] = false, -- Diminishing Returns icons on arena frames

["plugins_absorbs"] = false, -- Absorbs value on player frame

["talents"] = false, -- Show specialization

["archaeology"] = false, -- Archaeology tracker ('/arch' or right mouseover minimap button to show)

Note, the Talents one does have this in the code:

if T.classic then
	C["stats"]["talents"] = false

but it's not clear that this is set to false because it would otherwise cause errors.

For all of these options, I would recommend adding a comment to the line such as --This option is not available in Classic and a check where the option is used, something like if not T.Classic and C.unitframe.plugins_absorbs == true then


Well this turned out to be an ungodly mess, I hope this makes sense...


Thanks, @eTzmNcbkrng. I'll be sure to give these config variables a look through to see where they are referenced and add in NOOP returns for clients where these are not supported.


I've pushed 2f52938 which should hopefully resolve these kinds of problems. I'll tag a release with the most recent revisions in the next day or two.


not T.Classic

Semantic satiation