ShestakUI (Classic)

ShestakUI (Classic)



losepage opened this issue · 6 comments


hi, troube you again. 1.5.9(Vanilla)appears one bug as follows:
...s\ShestakUI\Libs\LibHealComm-4.0\LibHealComm-4.0.lua:1588: attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'spent' (a nil value)
Count: 1

Call Stack:
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@AddOns\ShestakUI\Libs\LibHealComm-4.0\LibHealComm-4.0.lua"]:1588: in function <...s\ShestakUI\Libs\LibHealComm-4.0\LibHealComm-4.0.lua:1568>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "@AddOns\ShestakUI\Libs\LibHealComm-4.0\LibHealComm-4.0.lua"]:2860: in function `?'
[string "@AddOns\ShestakUI\Libs\LibHealComm-4.0\LibHealComm-4.0.lua"]:3350: in function <...s\ShestakUI\Libs\LibHealComm-4.0\LibHealComm-4.0.lua:3346>


Hello, @losepage. Can you tell me a little bit more about this error?

Does this occur when you first log in, or only after you cast certain healing spells? If only during certain spells, which ones?

Does this error occur multiple times, or only once per zone in / reloadUI / etc.?

I've pushed a potential fix to this, but I'm unsure on whether it solves it or not since on my end I was not able to reproduce it.

After answering the above questions, please manually install this version and let me know if it persists.


This occur only appears after I cast certain Flash Heal every time. Each grade Flash Heal.


Alright. And does this still occur with the copy of ShestakUI I linked above?


this bug disappeared with your link.My English is not good, I misunderstand your meaning just now.


Ah, I see you edited your previous comment. Good to know. I'll push this out to the next release. Thanks!


Alright - I think I figured out the issue. Try out and please let me know if it still persists.