ShestakUI (Classic)

ShestakUI (Classic)


[REQ] Implement features from wjsghr1's modification intended for the Chinese community

EsreverWoW opened this issue · 3 comments



@jaytaba1 has requested that features from the wjsghr1 modification of ShestakUI Classic be implemented in the main project. I am familiar with the modification's existence but largely have not investigated the differences until this point. I will attempt to look into some of these and add them into the main project, but this will be something that happens over time.

Some points specifically cited, though please accept my apologies on any lack of understanding due to machine translation:


  • LiteStats DataText (bottom information bar) has problems with the zhCN locale of the game (presumably may also affect zhTW/enCN/enTW). May also be due to region specifically and how services operate outside of NA/EU.
  • Role DataText
  • Talent DataText
  • Backpack DataText


  • 了大脚 / BigFoot emojis (unsure on what this specifically is)
  • Right mouse-click menu enhancement
  • Unlimited social blocklist
  • Chat keyword blacklist
  • Chat spam/duplicate removal


Focus Target:

  • Ctrl + Click to set focus
  • Adjustment to focus castbar display


Misc 2:

  • Automatic purchase of materials / shopping list (presumably for reagents and consumables)
  • Quick sidebar for the professions frame
  • Offline banking (presumably "OneBag" like feature to see bank contents when not near the bank)

Aura Monitoring:

  • Added configuration for the display of buffs/debuffs on raid frames
  • Added configuration for the display of buffs/debuffs on nameplates
  • Added configuration for the display of raid cooldowns
  • Added configuration for the display of enemy cooldowns

@jaytaba1 - If you are able, please let me know if I have any of the information above incorrect. Additionally, please let me know which features are specifically most sought after from the Chinese community and I will attempt to address those first.


了大脚 / BigFoot emojis (unsure on what this specifically is)了集结号 / Rally skin (unsure on what this specifically is)
The above two plug-ins for Chinese players to use the plug-in temporarily do not need to solve

Automatic anti-harmonization / anti-language harmony (unsure on what this specifically is)
Nor does it need fixing


First of all, thank you very much for your contribution to the Warcraft players in China. Please feel free to contact me if you need any help.