ShestakUI (Classic)

ShestakUI (Classic)


[BUG]DBM Cosmetic error reporting CN WOW

jaytaba1 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


What steps will reproduce the problem?

  1. Enable UI beautification. Open the DBM plug-in

What version of ShestakUI are you using? (Stating 'latest' is not useful)


Do you have an error log of what happened?

5x ShestakUI/Modules/Skins/DBM.lua:178: attempt to index field 'DBM_GUI_OptionsFrameHeader' (a nil value)
[string "@ShestakUI/Modules/Skins/DBM.lua"]:178: in function <ShestakUI/Modules/Skins/DBM.lua:15>
[string "=[C]"]: in function LoadAddOn' [string "@DBM-Core/DBM-Core.lua"]:2333: in function LoadGUI'
[string "@DBM-Core/modules/Commands.lua"]:470: in function ?' [string "@FrameXML/ChatFrame.lua"]:4975: in function ChatEdit_ParseText'
[string "@FrameXML/ChatFrame.lua"]:4638: in function ChatEdit_SendText' [string "@FrameXML/ChatFrame.lua"]:4674: in function ChatEdit_OnEnterPressed'
[string "*ChatFrame.xml:121_OnEnterPressed"]:1: in function <[string "*ChatFrame.xml:121_OnEnterPressed"]:1>

(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "OnShow"
(*temporary) = defined @ShestakUI/Modules/Skins/DBM.lua:177
(*temporary) = true
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = 0
(*temporary) =
(*temporary) = 1
(*temporary) = "attempt to index field 'DBM_GUI_OptionsFrameHeader' (a nil value)"
backdrop =

insets =
bgFile = "Interface\AddOns\ShestakUI\Media\Textures\White.tga"
C =
nameplate =
stats =
general =
loot =
aura =
toppanel =
threat =
pulsecooldown =
enemycooldown =
tooltip =
raidframe =
announcements =
unitframe =
trade =
raidcooldown =
media =
combattext =
minimap =
automation =
skins =
reminder =
filger =
togglemainmenu =
category = "general"
toggleaddons =
normal_font =
bag =
toggleprefix =
options =
filger_spells =
chat =
actionbar =
font =
unitframe_class_bar =
position =
misc =
T =
CalculateMoverPoints = defined @ShestakUI/Core/Functions.lua:210
class = "PRIEST"
RaidBuffs =
dummy = defined @ShestakUI/Core/Constants.lua:6
white_list =
TBC = false
IsFramePositionedLeft = defined @ShestakUI/Core/Functions.lua:236
MoverFrames =
PostUpdateRaidHealth = defined @ShestakUI/Modules/UnitFrames/Functions.lua:212
ShiftBarUpdate = defined @ShestakUI/Modules/ActionBars/Core.lua:546
merge =
CheckPlayerBuff = defined @ShestakUI/Core/Functions.lua:144
UpdateManaLevel = defined @ShestakUI/Modules/UnitFrames/Functions.lua:438
SkinIconBorder = defined @ShestakUI/Core/API.lua:1132
ShortValue = defined @ShestakUI/Core/Functions.lua:15
Role = "Healer"
CurrentProfile = defined @ShestakUI/Core/Functions.lua:248
HideAuraFrame = defined @ShestakUI/Modules/UnitFrames/Functions.lua:659
SkinDropDownBox = defined @ShestakUI/Core/API.lua:726
GetSpecializationRole = defined @ShestakUI/Core/Classic.lua:39
BuffWhiteList =
SkinFrame = defined @ShestakUI/Core/API.lua:1094
ReplaceIconString = defined @ShestakUI/Core/API.lua:1162
CreateAuraWatch = defined @ShestakUI/Modules/UnitFrames/Functions.lua:915
UpdateThreat = defined @ShestakUI/Modules/UnitFrames/Functions.lua:880
Hider = Frame {
ABItems =
healfilter =
CreateAuraTimer = defined @ShestakUI/Modules/UnitFrames/Functions.lua:726
SkinFuncs =
Vanilla = false
oUF_colors =
SkinTab = defined @ShestakUI/Core/API.lua:545
BuffBlackList =
SkinRotateButton = defined @ShestakUI/Core/API.lua:686
ArenaControl =
SkinScrollBar = defined @ShestakUI/Core/API.lua:426
race = "Scourge"
PostUpdateRaidHealthColor = defined @ShestakUI/Modules/UnitFrames/Functions.lua:190
ReminderCasterBuffs = defined @ShestakUI/Config/Filters_Wrath/Reminders.lua:139
DebuffWhiteList =
client = "zhCN"
enemy_spells =
Hardcore = false
SoD = false
AnnounceBots =
SkinIconSelectionFrame = defined @int

Any additional information? (example: WoW language if not English) (Attach screenshots here if available, do not link externally)