ShestakUI (Classic)

ShestakUI (Classic)


Enemy or Friendly player cast bar

ODmishari opened this issue ยท 3 comments


For now everything is perfect but one thing is missing if you can add it.. it would be good... I can see my cast bar and if i targeted my self i see the second cast bar which is target bar but for Enemy or Friendly player cast bar if they cast i can't see it same thing with target target cast bar .. don't know if it's bug for not added....



Classic does not have casting info for unitIDs other than the player, so in order to get cast bars for other units, it needs to be reimplemented around that. I had it working previously, but Blizzard broke it with a recent build and it will take some time to add it back in.


I've pushed recent updates that have started work on implementing cast bars for units aside of the player. It's early work, and so I am aware of various issues surrounding them, but they should be semi-usable with the latest version.


This has been updated. There are limitations in what is possible now with changes Blizzard has made to the combat log. Some improvements may still be made, but things will mostly be as they are presently.