ShestakUI (Classic)

ShestakUI (Classic)


Ranged Based Hunter Paging

madmaxo88 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Hi, first want to say I love this addon and if Im posting this in the wrong place I apologies. Just wondering if it would be possible to add Ranged Based Hunter Paging like in PFUI addon? Didnt know if it was possible or if it was an easy thing to do or not. Thank you and keep up the great work!


Ranged based paging is not something that is possible in Classic. Action bars are protected frames, meaning that you have limitations with how you can deal with them while in combat and are limited in the code you can execute to prevent tainting. This was possible in the 1.12.x clients because protected frames/secure handling didn't arrive until patch 2.0. Since Classic is based on modern versions of the game, this means that secure frames are part of Classic.