ShestakUI (Classic)

ShestakUI (Classic)


[REQ] How to keep configuration

nexiros opened this issue ยท 1 comments


I wasn't sure where to put this but I just would love to know from the owner something. I designed my UI and set it all up in the last stress test but understand there's a new version now which includes pet happiness. Thank you for fixing that btw!!! But what do I do to keep my UI the way it was and still get the update. I don't want to delete any folders that means my UI would have to be worked on all over again.
Let me know asap <3 TY


Simply download the latest and replace the files with the new ones. Most config settings are saved globally for all characters on an account unless you ticked the box to specifically only change settings on a per character basis in the config. Position settings are separate, but you can copy those over with the following instructions:

  1. Navigate to your WoW Classic installation directory (e.g. C:\Users\Public\Games\World of Warcraft\_classic_).
  2. Once there, go into WTF and then Account. Now open the folder for your account name/discriminator (e.g. 12345678#1).
  3. Find the folder for the name of the server you played on during the test an make a copy of it.
  4. Rename the copy to the server you will be playing on post-launch.
  5. Open the folder and rename the character folder(s) contained within with the name of your character you will be playing post-launch.