ShestakUI (Classic)

ShestakUI (Classic)


[BUG] attempt to index global 'CompactRaidFrameManager' (a nil value)

frawmazh opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Interface: 11302

Title: ShestakUI (Classic)

Author: Shestak

Version: 0.82

Message: Interface\AddOns\ShestakUI\Core\Kill.lua:19: attempt to index global 'CompactRaidFrameManager' (a nil value)
Time: Tue Aug 27 18:12:40 2019
Count: 1
Stack: Interface\AddOns\ShestakUI\Core\Kill.lua:19: attempt to index global 'CompactRaidFrameManager' (a nil value)
Interface\AddOns\ShestakUI\Core\Kill.lua:19: in function <Interface\AddOns\ShestakUI\Core\Kill.lua:8>
[C]: in function LoadAddOn' Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:353: in function UIParentLoadAddOn'
Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:403: in function `RaidFrame_LoadUI'
Interface\FrameXML\RaidFrame.lua:59: in function <Interface\FrameXML\RaidFrame.lua:50>

Locals: _ = {
0 =
addon = "Blizzard_RaidUI"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = 0
(*temporary) =
(*temporary) = "attempt to index global 'CompactRaidFrameManager' (a nil value)"
C =

nameplate =
stats =
general =
loot =
aura =
toppanel =
threat =
pulsecooldown =
enemycooldown =
tooltip =
raidframe =
announcements =
unitframe =
position =
raidcooldown =
media =
combattext =
minimap =
automation =
skins =
reminder =
filger =
togglemainmenu =
toggleaddons =
normal_font =
bag =
toggleprefix =
options =
filger_spells =
chat =
actionbar =
font =
unitframe_class_bar =
error =
misc =
T =
SkinCheckBox = defined @interface\AddOns\ShestakUI\Core\Functions.lua:453
PostCreateIcon = defined @interface\AddOns\ShestakUI\Core\Functions.lua:1442
RaidDebuffsReverse =
SetFontString = defined @interface\AddOns\ShestakUI\Core\Functions.lua:750
Scale = defined @interface\AddOns\ShestakUI\Core\PixelPerfect.lua:25
class = "SHAMAN"
RaidBuffs =
SkinExpandOrCollapse = defined @interface\AddOns\ShestakUI\Core\Functions.lua:619
white_list =
SkinHelpBox = defined @interface\AddOns\ShestakUI\Core\Functions.lua:673
level = 5
MoverFrames =
CheckChat = defined @interface\AddOns\ShestakUI\Core\Functions.lua:43
ShiftBarUpdate = defined @interface\AddOns\ShestakUI\Modules\ActionBars\Core.lua:247
merge =
CheckPlayerBuff = defined @interface\AddOns\ShestakUI\Core\Functions.lua:110
UpdateManaLevel = defined @interface\AddOns\ShestakUI\Core\Functions.lua:1082
pulse_ignored_spells =
Role = "Melee"
DebuffBlackList =
UIScale = defined @interface\AddOns\ShestakUI\Core\PixelPerfect.lua:6
HideAuraFrame = defined @interface\AddOns\ShestakUI\Core\Functions.lua:1426
SetModifiedBackdrop = defined @interface\AddOns\ShestakUI\Core\API.lua:257
PlateBlacklist =
CustomCastDelayText = defined @interface\AddOns\ShestakUI\Core\Functions.lua:1369
SkinMaxMinFrame = defined @interface\AddOns\ShestakUI\Core\Functions.lua:585
screenWidth = 1920
BuffWhiteList =
black_list =
wowBuild = 31650
RaidBuffsIgnore =
overlayTextures =
color =
StylePet = defined @interface\AddOns\ShestakUI\Modules\ActionBars\Style.lua:170
screenHeight = 875
raid_spells =
StyleShift = defined @interface\AddOns\ShestakUI\Modules\ActionBars\Style.lua:160
PetBarUpdate = defined @interface\AddOns\ShestakUI\Modules\ActionBars\Core.lua:285
AuraTrackerTime = defined @interface\AddOns\ShestakUI\Core\Functions.lua:141


I've applied a potential fix. I'm unable to reproduce this on my end, but 3d8d0c3 should maybe have solved it. Try the latest and see if it resolves.


@frawmazh Are you still getting this error or has it been resolved?


Just pushed an update that may solve this. Please report back.


I get a new error on the next line now -- this happens only on the char that runs grid2(the healer - I'm 5boxing)