ShestakUI (Classic)

ShestakUI (Classic)


[BUG] Nameplate debuffs

Crimsonak opened this issue ยท 2 comments


As of the most recent build (0.62) the timer debuff on nameplates has ceased to work. The debuffs themselves appear correctly, just their remaining time is gone.
I get the following error message on load in, but I don't know if it's at all related, as I'm not a coder.

Message: Error loading Interface\AddOns\ShestakUI\Compatibility\Classic\Libs\LibClassicCasterino\LibClassicCasterino.lua
Time: Wed Aug 28 08:39:31 2019
Count: 4


I had to remove the debuff durations as they seemed to be causing issues in some clients. I'll add them back in after I've figured out the best approach.

As for the error, might I ask when you last fully closed the client and re-opened it? If you see v0.62, that tells me that you've likely been overwriting the files and simply reloading without fully restarting the client. This is fine when new files haven't been added, but I added the LibClassicCasterino.lua file for enemy cast bars some time ago, and you'll have to restart the client for it to be readable.

If you're trying to dodge the queue, Alt+F4 and log back in straight away. There is a grace period where if you only just recently d/c'd, it will bump you past it.


As for the error, might I ask when you last fully closed the client and re-opened it? If you see v0.62,

You got it right first time, it was my end for being an idiot and not restarting the whole client. I'm 0.86 now. Thanks for the info about the timers, keep up the good work this is honestly the best compilation addon I've ever used!