ShestakUI (Classic)

ShestakUI (Classic)


[REQ] Allow movement of Quest List and Loot Frame

skaraman opened this issue ยท 4 comments


What is the feature you would like requested?

I would like to be able to move the Quest List and Loot Frame to any position I want.

Also the loot frame scale seems to be stuck at a very low level even after I disabled auto scaling and set it to 1. I was able to get a normal looking loot frame by setting the font size really high like 50, and the config would reset it to around half that value (~25).


@skaraman /moveui


Quest list may be moved with /moveui. The loot frame may be moved by dragging it while open an holding down shift. I will however look into possible scaling issues.


awesome thanks! your UI is really nice I love it even though i only use it for some aspects, and the /moveui and shift+click options worked for me. The font scaling is still weird for a lot of things, especially when I used /moveui all the pieces had tiny tiny font labels.


Second tab in General option, you can configure pixel font.