ShestakUI (Classic)

ShestakUI (Classic)


Auto-repair and auto-vendor grays

Luminancedro opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Would it be possible to add a check-box for those two in the Automation menu? The features are useful, but sometimes you may not want to have your gear repaired. For example when leveling if you are trying to save up your last coppers for spell-training or a mount.

Or perhaps the option is already there and I'm too stupid to see it?


Oh! didn't even look at those. Thanks a bunch!


There is not an option in the config, though there is an option! I will have you know that the option is fairly hidden. To enable/disable these, follow the steps below:

Auto Repair: Right click on the durability datatext (bottom left of the screen).

Auto-Vendor: Right click on the currency datatext (shown when you have your bags open).