ShestakUI (Classic)

ShestakUI (Classic)


[BUG]99x ShestakUI\Modules\Misc\ClickCast.lua:54: table index is nil

kenjie-sun opened this issue ยท 3 comments


99x ShestakUI\Modules\Misc\ClickCast.lua:54: table index is nil
ShestakUI\Modules\Misc\ClickCast.lua:54: in function <ShestakUI\Modules\Misc\ClickCast.lua:52>
[C]: in function CreateFrame' Carbonite\NxHUD.lua:92: in function Create'
Carbonite\NxHUD.lua:42: in function Open' Carbonite\NxHUD.lua:32: in function Init'
Carbonite\Carbonite-@[email protected]:818: in function SetupEverything' Carbonite\Carbonite-@[email protected]:1263: in function NXOnUpdate'
[string ":OnUpdate"]:1: in function <[string ":OnUpdate"]:1>

_ = "Button"
name = nil
_ = UIParent {
0 =
firstTimeLoaded = 1
variablesLoaded = true
template = "SecureUnitButtonTemplate"
(*temporary) =

= true
= true
= true
= true
= true
= true
= true
= true
= true
= true
= true
= true
= true
= true
= true
= true
= true
= true
= true
= true
= true
= true
= true
= true
= true
= true
= true
= true
= true
= true
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "SecureUnitButtonTemplate"
(*temporary) = "table index is nil"


Can you see if this error occurs when you disable Carbonite?


No errors occurred when I disabled Carbonite


This seems to be a conflict with Carbonite and click casting. Please re-download ShestakUI for the latest copy and make sure Simple click2cast spell binder is not enabled (previous copies had an issue where it was always enabled, regardless of config setting).