


Error on raid update when castbars turned off

Wolfeg opened this issue · 1 comments

13x ...rfaceShestakUI/Modules/UnitFrames/Layout.lua:1460: attempt to index global 'oUF_Player_Castbar' (a nil value)
[string "@ShestakUI/Modules/UnitFrames/Layout.lua"]:1460: in function <...rfaceShestakUI/Modules/UnitFrames/Layout.lua:1435>

self = Frame {
 0 = <userdata>
maxGroup = 6
num = 20
offset = 33
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = 1
(*temporary) = "PALADIN"
(*temporary) = 70
(*temporary) = "Охотница на демонов"
(*temporary) = "DEMONHUNTER"
(*temporary) = "attempt to index global 'oUF_Player_Castbar' (a nil value)"
C = <table> {
 nameplate = <table> {
 stats = <table> {
 general = <table> {
 loot = <table> {
 aura = <table> {
 toppanel = <table> {
 threat = <table> {
 pulsecooldown = <table> {
 enemycooldown = <table> {
 tooltip = <table> {
 raidframe = <table> {
 announcements = <table> {
 unitframe = <table> {
 trade = <table> {
 raidcooldown = <table> {
 media = <table> {
 combattext = <table> {
 minimap = <table> {
 automation = <table> {
 skins = <table> {
 reminder = <table> {
 filger = <table> {
 togglemainmenu = <table> {
 category = "general"
 toggleaddons = <table> {
 toggleprefix = <table> {
 bag = <table> {
 chat = <table> {
 options = <table> {
 actionbar = <table> {
 font = <table> {
 unitframe_class_bar = <table> {
 position = <table> {
 misc = <table> {
T = <table> {
 SkinCheckBox = <function> defined @ShestakUI/Core/API.lua:716
 SkinCheckBoxAtlas = <function> defined @ShestakUI/Core/API.lua:752
 CalculateMoverPoints = <function> defined @ShestakUI/Core/Functions.lua:182
 SetFontString = <function> defined @ShestakUI/Modules/UnitFrames/Functions.lua:17
 Scale = <function> defined @ShestakUI/Core/PixelPerfect.lua:25
 class = "PALADIN"
 RaidBuffs = <table> {
 SkinExpandOrCollapse = <function> defined @ShestakUI/Core/API.lua:954
 white_list = <table> {
 SkinHelpBox = <function> defined @ShestakUI/Core/API.lua:1008
 level = 70
 IsFramePositionedLeft = <function> defined @ShestakUI/Core/Functions.lua:208
 MoverFrames = <table> {
 CheckChat = <function> defined @ShestakUI/Core/Functions.lua:47
 UploadBW = <function> defined @ShestakUI/Modules/Skins/BigWigs.lua:207
 ShiftBarUpdate = <function> defined @ShestakUI/Modules/ActionBars/Core.lua:445
 PetBarUpdate = <function> defined @ShestakUI/Modules/ActionBars/Core.lua:482
 CheckPlayerBuff = <function> defined @ShestakUI/Core/Functions.lua:118
 UpdateManaLevel = <function> defined @ShestakUI/Modules/UnitFrames/Functions.lua:358
 SkinIconBorder = <function> defined @ShestakUI/Core/API.lua:1056
 ShortValue = <function> defined @ShestakUI/Core/Functions.lua:15
 Role = "Healer"
 CurrentProfile = <function> defined @ShestakUI/Core/Functions.lua:220
 HideAuraFrame = <function> defined @ShestakUI/Modules/UnitFrames/Functions.lua:575
 SetModifiedBackdrop = <function> defined @ShestakUI/Core/API.lua:280
 SkinNextPrevButton = <function> defined @ShestakUI/Core/API.lua:548
 CustomCastDelayText = <function> defined @ShestakUI/Modules/UnitFrames/Functions.lua:555
 SkinMaxMinFrame = <function> defined @ShestakUI/Core/API.lua:921
 screenWidth = 2560
 Spec = 1
 PostUpdateHealth = <function> defined @ShestakUI/Modules/UnitFrames/Functions.lua:24
 black_list = <table> {
 SkinFrame = <function> defined @ShestakUI/Core/API.lua:1019
 CanDispel = <table> {
 RaidBuffsIgnore = <table> {
 color = <table> {
 newPatch = true
 screenHeight = 1440
 FarmMode = false
 StylePet = <function> defined @ShestakUI/Modules/ActionBars/Style.lua:257
 AuraTrackerTime = <function> defined @ShestakUI/Modules/UnitFrames/Functions.lua:559
 CustomCastTimeText = <function> defined @ShestakUI/Modules/UnitFrames/Functions.lua:551
 noscalemult = 0.533333
 StyleShift = <function> defined @Sh