SilverDragon - Rare Scanner

SilverDragon - Rare Scanner


Feature Request: set elite icon to "farm mode" on map

Rezy942 opened this issue ยท 3 comments



I am an addict rare farmer - trying to get every item from every rare.
One major annoyance I have is tracking the rares I still need a certain piece of loot from.
There are no real addons out there that allow players to "doodle" on the map - as in indicate in any way an objective. That persists through reloads.

Closest solution i found is TomTom addon and putting a bunch of map nodes around elite frame - a very rough solution that im forced to download another addon for. Deleting those nodes is also annoying.
At the moment i just screenshot and draw over screenshot.. doing this for many zones is HORRIBLE!!!

Feature request: add a keybind (like ALT + RIGHT MOUSE CLICK) to add some kind of graphic around elite icon on map.
Perhaps a glow or a circle outline - maybe even allow configurable color per elite when you right click!

This would be a MASSIVE QoL for people who want to get 100% or just want to track specific rares for specific loot, even if they already got it :)

I really hope you consider this - i imagine it wouldnt be too difficult to code this?

Thank you


If you want to add specific notes on the map (like an icon on the map that gives an explanation when you mouse over it), there's an addon called Handynotes that lets you do exactly that. You can create your own notes and they persist through reloads.

If you want to draw on the map, I'm not aware of addons that do that yet.


Handynotes is not capable of doing what i want as i want a large graphic (set by user) around the elite that you can easily see as you open the world map. Icons with tooltips are pointless as you still have to hover. I can do it with handynotes and set custom scale etc but that is a hassle, something which could easily be added as part of this addon for the elite farmers :)

And no - there are no addons as i believe blizz doesnt let them draw on the map. Sucks.


It would be like a "per elite" toggle somewhere accessible - preferably with right clicking on elite icon on map.
That would put a circle around that elite (persisting reloads) and could even color the eltie differently in the drop down menu. Lets say purple or something easily distinguishable.
A nice QoL for many users who fly around daily hunting left over elites. It sucks doing it through excel or screenshots :(
