LUA error due to using deprecated function
jungheeMW opened this issue ยท 1 comments
Getting the following LUA error sometimes:
1x SilverDragon/util.lua:29: attempt to call global 'GetSpellInfo' (a nil value)
[string "@SilverDragon/util.lua"]:29: in function <SilverDragon/util.lua:19>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `gsub'
[string "@SilverDragon/util.lua"]:19: in function `RenderString'
[string "@SilverDragon/outputs/ldb.lua"]:482: in function `_OnEnter_func'
[string "@SilverDragon/lib/LibQTip-1.0-49/LibQTip-1.0.lua"]:1357: in function <SilverDragon/lib/LibQTip-1.0/LibQTip-1.0.lua:1351>
variant = "spell"
id = 392947
fallback = "Toss Salt"
mainid = nil
subid = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = 392947
(*temporary) = "attempt to call global 'GetSpellInfo' (a nil value)"
completeColor = <table> {
a = 1
b = 0
g = 1
r = 0
incompleteColor = <table> {
a = 1
b = 0
g = 0
r = 1
self = <table> {
modules = <table> {
defaultModuleState = true
db = <table> {
enabledState = true
zone_names = <table> {
events = <table> {
NAMESPACE = <table> {
datasources = <table> {
treasuresources = <table> {
baseName = "SilverDragon"
defaultModuleLibraries = <table> {
orderedModules = <table> {
debuggable = false
escapes = <table> {
name = "SilverDragon"
conditions = <table> {