Sound channel setting is ignored on sound preview
Mr-nUUb opened this issue · 2 comments
I recently looked into reducing the volume of the sound alerts. I realized 2 things:
- master channel is excluded from any volume settings. I think this is an issue with WoW itself and cannot be fixed in this addon.
- sound preview (the speaker icon inside the "sound to play" dropdown") is still screaming at me, even if I set the addon to ambient channel (which is only 5%). I think the previews are still played in master channel.
Keep up the great work!
Best regards,
Mr nUUb
The logic behind this fix was that the preview button in the sound-selection dropdowns comes from inside LibSharedMedia, which makes it difficult to control how it works. The alternative to doing it this way would have been to write my own LSM picker widget... which seems like a pain. :D