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SilverDragon - Rare Scanner


Feature Request: HandyNotes: Only show Rares with loot

Nercus opened this issue ยท 6 comments


With the newly added feature to show the acording to loot for a rare another option within the HandyNotes integration to only show Rares which drop non-collected items would be very helpful.


This'll definitely happen as part of #53, but I might get to it sooner.

The biggest potential issue with it would be during times of incomplete data -- heading into the new expansion, for instance, I don't necessarily have all the new loot collected. (Also, I'm not 100% sure I've got everything from previous expansions -- definitely all the mounts, but I could be missing some pets or toys.)


I would add an option to always show if drop pets or not BOA toys/ mounts.

Even if you already have it, it's a valuable source of income


As i looked more into #53 I saw that it is definitely a lot of work and implementing an option for "only show handynotes pins for rares with loot" would be unnecessary if there will be a change to the handy notes options tab.

A small and easy to implement workaround could be the following: One way to "only show specific rares" is to hide every non-wanted rare. Using right click and "hide mob" is a bit tedious. The implementation of modifier + rightclick to "hide mob" would make that way quicker.


Regarding my proposal of modifer + rightclick to hide: With my limited knowledge of addon coding I came up with that. In handynotes.lua I changed the OnClick Handler to following:

function handler:OnClick(button, down, uiMapID, coord)
	if button == "RightButton" and not down then
		clicked_zone = uiMapID
		clicked_coord = coord
		if IsShiftKeyDown() then
			hideMob(button, clicked_zone, clicked_coord)
			ToggleDropDownMenu(1, nil, dropdown, self, 0, 0)

I'm okay with adding a shortcut like that in.


Rest of this will be in #53.